New Back Item Idea's
OK! Idea time.
Some arrows that have been shot into you. Like 3 of them protruding from your back.
A “sheath” similar to Clouds from Advent Children. Have it have a couple swords on it already and a space for your two handed one to lay across it.
Staves, a few staves on your back crossed, then when you sheathe a staff it adds it to the bundle.
The wings are kinda super cheesy idea. We already got enough of them and everyone and their grandma’s using them
But we totally need Anton’s back item from GW1
I want White wings:)…. Would go so well with my Griffon Shaman Guild leader character….
I want White wings:)…. Would go so well with my Griffon Shaman Guild leader character….
Please no more wings.. we need a lot of different options, not more and more wings that just looks lame and cheesy
Please no more wings.. we need a lot of different options, not more and more wings that just looks lame and cheesy
In fact we need an option to turn off the wing graphics
Henge…. Imangine this Charr with White wings and an Owl Griffon as a pet! In the Guild roster she’s called Grifon Shaman – that’s the leader title in our Guild.
How about things that aren’t backpieces? Kinda tired of having a back piece skin from each event (sometimes more than 1) and nothing to do with them.