New Classes

New Classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bairus.6874


I would love to see a new class one of these days in Guild Wars 2, think all the gw2 fans would. Don’t really care all that much what class they add, just cool to see a new one, and play a new one =D I would if I could pick/vote for a class would pick a new heavy armor class, right now we only have the two guardians and warriors. An idea would be a class that is Heavy armor, called Beast Master, or simply Beast. That turns himself into different kinds of beast each weapon set could have one skill that turns him into a unique beast for a short time to fight as. And have also your other slot skills that could have some too like an elite skill that turns you into a Fire Breathing Dragon (No not the size of the big ones we fight in the world) Like I said don’t care what they add really, just my idea and could be stupid one (lol) I just have big desire to see a new class:) My favorite classes as of right now is Guardian and Mesmer=D
Big fan of you A-net and your team!! <3 not so much your publisher NC-Soft. Think they should have played you to let them publish this game, it puts them on the map:p

New Classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lancaeron.1524


IF there were to be a new class/profession, then I’d go with some kind of hybrid dps/spellcaster, that wears medium armor. Kind of like an Eldritch Knight, from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. No, I’m not talking about AD&D, I’m just mentioning a class that could be brought into this game. With a twist!

New Classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bairus.6874


Thing about medium armor for me myself is I don’t like most of the looks of them. its seems to be all cowboy, pirate and ninja looking stuff. with 3 class that where it, they should come up with some new cooler looking armor for the medium class’s.