New Dailiy Dissatisfication

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight of Tempaler.2798

Knight of Tempaler.2798

To preface this post I must admit, I HATE CHANGE! Or I am at least slow to warm to it. And in honesty my first thought were of annoyance with having my routine changed. Now after reflection I do understand the motivation and the purpose that is trying to be achieved by the adjustment. BUT, and it is a big but as you see, one achievement as went a little astray of one core value of GW2. The healing achievement. I do understand the motivation behind it is well intended and in theory I wholeheartedly agree with it. The issue I have with it is that I am in constant pursuit of bodies. When I see one I sprint toward them to rez but often find them on their feet before I arrive by other players. And this is how I feel it runs a foul of the core value of GW2. In the making of this game the Devs stated that they did not want to create and adversarial atmosphere in the game with players unhappy to have others near to compete for finite resources. I feel that every time now when trying to find a player or npc to rez. I do have to admit that before ppl where not johnny on the spot to rez npcs and did not always change course to aid a fellow player. But these were outliers not the norm I feel. Now I am not privy to all the data admins have access to so none rezing may be a far more frequent occurrence. If so this can be remedied by a different mechanic such as raising the exp gained or adding a karma/ gold / loot incentive to entice ppl to aid. I hope that my criticism is received in the constructive tone I intend.

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: Medron Pryde.6850

Medron Pryde.6850

That is a very interesting point. I had connected it to the Dodging, where you now actively hope nobody “helps” you by killing the guy you are playing with, but I hadn’t connected it with the healing achievement. You are right. Now people are fighting for bodies to heal.

Of course, at the same time, one of the better cases of sportsmanship I’ve ever seen in any game came up today. Today, in Queensdale, one guy started jumping up the fort to his death so people could heal him. For a while, three different people were doing that so others could get the achievement. From a player to player perspective, that was really nice.

From a gameplay perspective…stupid beyond belief. Who would willingly jump off a cliff like that? But it was real nice for people to do it for other players.

I guess that brings up another point. Both the dodge and the healing achievements encourage us to play in ways that make no sense realistically. Player purposefully dying so others can heal them. Or leaving mobs alive so you can dodge around them just to get a point…

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


how can you lack bodies to rez… some zones are LITTERED with dead npc’s just waiting to get ressed… for the ppl purposely dieing to let other rez them, that is just plain stupidity again cause there is so many NPC bodies around to rez it is is simply not needed. And really the dodging… do a single dungeon run or fractal run and if you dont have the dodge by end you are doing something wrong

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marge.4035


I’m horrible at platform games, clumsy, and I tend to play alone, yet when I see a reaction like this…

*Get into low level zone, aggro few enemies, press “V” randomly, I’m SURE you will get the “Evaded” info eventually.
*Res dead NPCs. Game is full of them. Begin with behind the Shaemoor Garrison.
*You surely got some materials during your gameplay, simple refinement counts as crafting. Simple ball of dough from cooking. Bolt of jute. Copper bars.
*If the “combo” achi shows up again, just run and do some events on the maps where people lvl up and ping directions on the /y chat. Daily events pops in at the same time. Veterans might too. You don’t even have to TALK with people. Read descriptions on the skill bar, see which ones create combos, and just use them when you see some funny white circles on the ground :/ Oh, it’s also karma, and gold, and exp…
*Veteran Oakenhearts walk in packs.

Everything is done on low level maps. The chances that one may fail are really really low, unless something is bugged on the game level.

Start complaining again when something is impossible for you to achieve.

This will sound bad, but sometimes I think that people who complain about new dailies like being rewarded, want laurels, want gold and karma just like everyone else, but they don’t want to put any effort to earn it. After making them myself I think it’s seriously minimal.

No, No, No! Mummified flesh on the left! Dried bones on the right!

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


I’m horrible at platform games, clumsy, and I tend to play alone, yet when I see a reaction like this…

*Get into low level zone, aggro few enemies, press “V” randomly, I’m SURE you will get the “Evaded” info eventually.
*Res dead NPCs. Game is full of them. Begin with behind the Shaemoor Garrison.
*You surely got some materials during your gameplay, simple refinement counts as crafting. Simple ball of dough from cooking. Bolt of jute. Copper bars.
*If the “combo” achi shows up again, just run and do some events on the maps where people lvl up and ping directions on the /y chat. Daily events pops in at the same time. Veterans might too. You don’t even have to TALK with people. Read descriptions on the skill bar, see which ones create combos, and just use them when you see some funny white circles on the ground :/ Oh, it’s also karma, and gold, and exp…
*Veteran Oakenhearts walk in packs.

Everything is done on low level maps. The chances that one may fail are really really low, unless something is bugged on the game level.

Start complaining again when something is impossible for you to achieve.

This will sound bad, but sometimes I think that people who complain about new dailies like being rewarded, want laurels, want gold and karma just like everyone else, but they don’t want to put any effort to earn it. After making them myself I think it’s seriously minimal.

very well said, funny enough though i seem to find these new dailiyes way faster and a good deal of them easier too than the old ones

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: Medron Pryde.6850

Medron Pryde.6850

I suppose on low population servers, there may be a lot of dead bodies lying around. On the higher population ones, especially at primetime American playing hours, there are VERY FEW dead NPCs lying around, so people are getting creative at doing that achievement line.

New Dailiy Dissatisfication

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


One way around that is to guest on a low population server.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.