New Game+ and Daily Purple Renown Hearts?
i do like the idea of being able to supercharge the hearts short term for some sort of added bonus.
the second part with random hearts seems vastly too confusing. mayhaps something that you can only access once you hit 80 to avoid confusing newer players or getting hearts you can’t reach because you are 20 levels lower. though perhaps instead of random hearts if just gives you a zone(random per character so everyone isn’t swarming one area) to goto and redo at least half the hearts if not all for the reward.
Great ideas. There’s definitely room for improvement.
I would absolutely love this if your actions led to different outcomes. I don’t mind that story doesn’t seem to have a large web of branching paths, but also it doesn’t really make a lot of sense to play through it again.
Awesome! There needs to be more such content that will keep bringing us back once we’ve completed everything.
If you’re not growing, you’re dying.