New Legendary Weapon Models on the gem store
I am a little confused you are working towards an item which only benefit is the skin and effects but you don’t like them? Why would you choose that legendary to go for.
I am a little confused you are working towards an item which only benefit is the skin and effects but you don’t like them? Why would you choose that legendary to go for.
Because some playstyles require a certain weapon to go for, for example, as a necromancer I can’t use marks with a scepter and if I didn’t like that staff I would apply the stats to a non legendary with a skin I liked, therefore, taking away the point of making a legendary to begin with.
That’s what I mean if you did not like the skin of the legandary surely you pick another. Most classes weapon swap to some extent so perhaps see if other weapons you use look good as legendaries and if not the perhaps they aren’t the best thing for you to work towards.
If I like and have gotten good with a certain playstyle I don’t want to have to switch because I don’t like the look of the 1 weapon that fits my playstyle. The option to change the skin while keeping it a legendary item shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t have any legendary weapons or items yet myself, but if I work towards one it would be nice to be able to get one and keep it a legendary item with the skin I prefer on an item.
Sorry it is just the ONLY thing that makes a legendary item different from others is the skin. You are not getting extra stats or anything else, just the skin and animation. So my confusion is based on wantIng to work towards something who’s only benefit you don’t like! It just seems strange thar’s all.
Its not strange at all.
People like things to work towards in games. For instance in my case i have rolled a charr hunter. Now take into note that the charr are a war based race that know nothing but warfare. They have horns ect ect to make them look more barbaric. Now how stupid is he going to look with a dinky unicorn bow? It doesnt really match his theme now does it? Giving people a option of choice would only make us players happy and if done right arena net more money. Say charging 15$ per skin would make them a healthy profit while giving the community more choice. Now you say, why don’t I just choose another legendary weapon? My question is why should i have to? My question to you is why do i have to diminish my fun so i can look kitten when i fire my weapon. I would rather just not put in the effort to get it. If your question is why do i want to put the effort in ? Well if you go back to step 1) PEOPLE LIKE TO WORK TOWARDS THINGS IN GAMES
This seems overly complex. More likely they’ll just add more legendary weapons in the future.