New Party / Instance owning system

New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nairolf.7024


The partying system in Guild Wars 2 is totally wrong : everyone has the same status in the party and anyone can kick someone else if another one agree. Add to this, the fact that any member can be the owner of an instance (like a dungeon) and that if the owner is kicked or leave the party, there is no more instance.

These 2 facts introduce 2 big issues when you are in a dungeon : if 2 ppl want to destroy an instance they can. You had leavers in your group, try to hire new members, but bad luck for you, they get excited by kicking you. If the instance owner gets bored or rages and leaves the group, everyone get kicked.

The biggest issue for me is really that 2 ppl can get into an instance and kick ppl just for the fun of killing this instance.

The only real solution to this is to make a new party system : a system where the first member of a group (the one who invite others) is the party leader and that only this party leader can kick a member of the group (without any vote). The instances should be linked to the party, and not only a player. If the party leader leaves the party, the 2nd member of the party becomes the new party leader and if the party was in an instance, this instance is still linked to the party. It was the party system used in Guild Wars, first of the name. I don’t even get why we have another one here… It wouldn’t be perfect, and there are still some way to abuse ppl, but it’s way way far better than the system we have in GW²…

(Sorry for the mistakes, english is not my native language)

New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

this would only compact the problem of idiots having fun inviting ppl and kicking them. i agree that the instance owner should switch when leader leaves or goes offline. a fix that makes sense to me in regards to the vote system is to add one more vote to the equation, then the majority vote will rule.

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New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I don’t think there is anything wrong with the party kicking option. I know it isn’t nice to be kicked out of a party, but nobody should be forced to be in a party. The voting system makes it fair. However griefing people by misusing this system is allready against the User Agreement. I do think that Anet should use the user agreement more to punish the bad people. If kicking half of your party at the end boss to being able to invite your friends to steal the reward. would be punished with a proper 72 hours time out of the game (longer if someone has a bad record allready), it would not be worth the risk anymore. Besides that we sill have the full control to play with whoever we want.

As for instance ownership. Yes I totally agree with you. If the instance owner leaves, ownership should go to another partymember. It should go as follows.

When forming a party everyone gets a number asigned by the system. The person who invites the first person or who started the advert in LFG gets number 1. The first person joining gets number 2, the second gets number 3, etc. The first instance owner is the person who starts the instance (nothing new), but if that person leaves or dc-ed the person with number 1 will get the instance ownership. If that person also is gone/dc-ed (or was the person who started the instance in the first place) it would go to number 2. Off course when there is nobody around, the instance is closed.

If someone is votekicked he would be pushed out of the instance regardless of the number.

I do disagree with making 3 people needed for a kick cause there are many valid reasons to kick (e.g. someone who is offline for 5 minutes). It shouldnt be too hard to make a valid kick.

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New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: puretom.4072


As far as instance owners go surely the simple solution is this:
Is the instance empty?
Yes = Closed, No = remains open.
The need for an instance owner doesn’t seem necessary.
I agree with the 3 votes to kick from a party of 5. 2 to kick from a party of 4 or 3. Obviously you just leave a party of 2 :P

New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: agrante.2810


I was kicked out of CM today because someone left the party. It was a PUG and the run was going OK, there was no reason why anyone would be feeling things were not going to work.

Please make it so this stops happening or put in an option for others to remain in the instance if they wish to do so.

New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carize.8532


There is a way for reporting someone who abuses the LFG tool. Kicking someone in an instance for no reason would fall under that, I imagine. Right click their name in chat and choose the report option. That seems like the only way to flag someone who is griefing. Without your feedback in that way I can’t really see how they’d figure out who needed that 72hr ban you mention.

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New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ange Emmelia.6820

Ange Emmelia.6820

They need to change this. Just doing a fractal my friend and I are both up to level 17. In dungeons I always make sure that one of us is the party leader but that doesn’t work in fractals. No-one wants to do an odd level fractal. The only way we can possibly progress is by joining a party where someone else creates the instance. We just did a fractal with a pug group and we had just finished the second fractal when our party leader left because he was in the queue for Eternal Battlegrounds and it popped up. So poof he leaves, disbanding our entire party. So the 4 of us have just wasted all of that time for nothing because he left and there is nothing any of us can do about it. This system is terrible.

New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rafahil.2857


This is becoming more and more of an issue since the ingame lfg. People joining and then kicking the owner just for fun.

New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paciunek.2496


This system is so wrong. I am gathering the group, someone enters before me, then he leaves in the middle of the dungeon and other four people gets kicked out. This is unfair, a waste of time and effort. Why does one person have a right to affect my progress? There shouldn’t be any instance owners in dungeons – if someone decides to leave, then it shouldn’t kick out the others.
Same thing when instance owner is behaving badly. I want to kick him, but I will waste my progress and will have to start everything again, hoping for better group members.
Also vote to kick should consider all four party members opinion. I can’t even disagree to kick someone, so only two of five members can ruin the run. Very often people second vote to kick without saying a word to the kicked person, and after kicking him off they ask “why?”.

(edited by Paciunek.2496)

New Party / Instance owning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rafahil.2857


You also can’t kick people who go offline which is also something that should get looked at.