New Player...

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I’ve just today purchased and started playing GW2 but am a bit unsure what to do as there seems to be nobody else in the Starter Areas and I’m a Social Gamer. Could anyone give me some suggestions or wisdom on how find other players or where to find other players and perhaps some pointers on getting up to a decent level where I can get a better idea of the game as I’m not having much fun doing low solo quests.

- Kovock
Blackgate Server

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roman Legionary.6715

Roman Legionary.6715

Queensdale (low level area for humans). If you’re not a human: Go to LA (through the world vs. World option (hotkey and taking the portal there. Then take a portal from LA to Divinity’s reach and exit to Queensdale (located in the south).

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Keep in mind you won’t understand half of what people are saying in map chat for the first few hours, at least.

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Yeah. hehe I am in Queensdale doing the quests. =)

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: woofdang.6397


Such a beautiful game graphic wise, I can’t believe there are no mounts….

New Player...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


There’s one… a Riding Broom for 250 gems in the gem store (~$3.12, but you have to get Gems with at least $10 unless you use gold).

Currently, 250 gems is ~9g.