New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


You know the cannons in the Mists that stand on wheels and can be shot and big targets but need to be loaded? Why are they not in WvW?

Here is the idea.

Field Canon Blueprint
Cost – 40 supply to deploy. Immobile.
Range – same as an arrow cart.
Deals low damage to walls.
Deals medium (golem) damage to gates.
Deals high damage to players and siege.
What makes it unique and useful:
Can be rotated horizontally AND vertically to adjust the shooting angle, which gives it the unique ability to shoot canon balls on a parabolic trajectory, allowing to hit targets behind, or on the inner edge of the walls, including siege on supply depots.

However, each shot requires a canon ball, so it uses 1 supply. It’s aimed the same way a treb is but with the additional factor of the shooting angle. There is no indication where the projectile will hit, until you fire. That are the two measures for balancing it. If a team wants to put many of these at once, a lot of supply will be used to just get the angles right. But once the angles are right, it can clear almost all siege in a tower or keep and deal lots of damage to defenders.

So the enemy zerg put 100 AC’s and is blobbing in the tower?
No problem, Put some cannons and force them to go out or die under heavy cannon fire

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Not bad, not bad at all. However I’d give a couple options for shots… one that is intended to do more damage to structures (solid balls o’ death) and one intended to do damage to smaller (think siege and people) things (such as grapeshot). I like the 1 supply to load, then a choice of what you fire. (Grapeshot could have an AoE type of impact zone where the solid shot is direct on target or tiny AoE for example.)


New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Only if the superior version would cost 250 supply, be deployed inside a bunker complete with 4 NPC’s, and have 2 Arrow Carts to each side.

Then we’d be talkin…

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Not bad, not bad at all. However I’d give a couple options for shots… one that is intended to do more damage to structures (solid balls o’ death) and one intended to do damage to smaller (think siege and people) things (such as grapeshot). I like the 1 supply to load, then a choice of what you fire. (Grapeshot could have an AoE type of impact zone where the solid shot is direct on target or tiny AoE for example.)

Yep there would be certainly multiple skills to choose. That also gives options for a meaningful mastery – with skills being unlocked instead of silly +x% damage masteries.

One other bonus is – the model is already in game, though would probably need some changes, to allow for visual vertical rotation.

It’s hard to nail down the supply costs and damage without testing it in the open field. But no siege has been perfect from the start. I just want some meaningful new mechanics like this added, to stir the status quo, not just masteries over and over again.

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I think it would be very cool if the loading took a second and had to be loaded from the front, while firing happened from the back. This would encourage teamwork (one person loading, one firing) and act like a real old-fashioned cannon.

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


um…. catapult? that costs supply to fire? and has its damage table rearranged a bit?


JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


How about having it so it CAN be moved, but it costs Supply to do so

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Merendel.7128


um…. catapult? that costs supply to fire? and has its damage table rearranged a bit?


Your missing the point. A catapult cant really hit inside the walls of a tower/keep unless you can get elevation. Well you can sometimes play tabletop football between the top of the gate and the arch above it on some towers but thats still a very limited aim zone and depends more on positioning of the cata to pull off. what the OP is proposing is something that you could choose how high to lob the projectile instead of just a variable power seting. AKA you could fire it mostly flat and get a tragectory similar to a full powered cata or you could have it lob upwards at a steep angle and land in the cortyard or on top of the walls to hit siege that is out of reach of your player based AOE.

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


um…. catapult? that costs supply to fire? and has its damage table rearranged a bit?


Your missing the point. A catapult cant really hit inside the walls of a tower/keep unless you can get elevation. Well you can sometimes play tabletop football between the top of the gate and the arch above it on some towers but thats still a very limited aim zone and depends more on positioning of the cata to pull off. what the OP is proposing is something that you could choose how high to lob the projectile instead of just a variable power seting. AKA you could fire it mostly flat and get a tragectory similar to a full powered cata or you could have it lob upwards at a steep angle and land in the cortyard or on top of the walls to hit siege that is out of reach of your player based AOE.

i didnt miss the point at all

a cannon wouldnt add any functionality that isnt already here. anything the cannon could accomplish can be accomplished by a cata or a treb, without needing to switch users every 10 shots.

soooo… meh. ok its an original idea and might add a little spice to wvw for a few days, but once people settle down itll just compete with the currently existing siege for inventory space and usage.

dont pour more water into a full cup.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omnitek.3876


Baiting a 60 man zurg around a corner into a line of 15 loaded cannons….


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