New Titles and Timers

New Titles and Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joseph Skyrim.2470

Joseph Skyrim.2470

Hi all! Just had a silly idea (probably a bad one) that I thought I’d share anyway. How about adding a few more titles for players for more obscure stuff? For example, you have some people on the forums who have posted excellent suggestions. If you take up the suggestion, why not reward them with an in-game title?

What the title itself is, I dunno – “the Thinker”? “the Inventor”? “the one with bad ideas?” whatever. Just thought it would be a nice thing to do.

Also, ever since the Mad King’s jumping puzzle I’ve been now actively hunting all the jump puzzles in the game. This is where my second suggestion comes in. Timers! Just a simple stop-watch when you begin a jump puzzle, and stops when you reach the “end”. Not sure how applicable this is with -all- the Jump Puzzles as I haven’t done them all yet but there are a few I can think of where it will work.

Then record the time in the Jumping Puzzle section and display the current fastest time to beat (and who currently holds it) server wide, and if you happen to be the fastest you get another title! :P “Champion of the Dark Reverie” for example. Ofcourse – you can potentially lose that if someone beats your time.

As I said, silly ideas. Thanks for reading anyway!