New WvW Maps

New WvW Maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: soma.3812


Are the devs thinking about adding some new WvW maps to the game. We have been playing the same maps for the last 8 months. If a PvEr had only 2 dungeons to go into there would be a riot
So if any devs are fiendishly sketching new WvW maps please say something at the next meeting. Im sure a lot of WvW players would love some new areas to fight in.
A random rotation system like FoTM would suit the wvwers perfectly as in we wouldnt know who we played and what maps we played on. Keep EB, but the BLs should be rotated.
Anyway if any devs are reading this, you know what to do.

New WvW Maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

My fun laughs at your server pride.