New classes

New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kin.6905


Can you guys bring out classes that are dynamic and fast paced? this game doesnt seem to fit my style of gameplay. im more geared towards action based combat that is like Ninja gaiden where you have to make quick decisions to avoid damage. i want a class that utilize this kind of style. right now, most of the classes are basic ranged dps from afar… and there is no excitement in spamming that 1 button from afar all the time while waiting for the other skills to cool down.

was thinking having a class that quick and nimble compared to the thief but not as stealthy. a class that is fragile yet mobile and is able to kite very effectively with reduced stamina consumptions on rolls. i want something similar to the warrior class in tera.

New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


You won’t see any new classes for a long, long while. In the meantime, though, try the Thief, as that sounds exactly like what you want!

New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kin.6905


the thief is not so great…ive tried it, not my style and not very effective for me
eventually you go ranged with it.

New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


You havn’t played thief very much… they are all about diving in, dealing tons of dmg, and slipping away in a matter of seconds. There are glass cannon builds of thief that deal massive dmg but you have to be quick to dodge or suffer the heavy hits.If you are only using ranged then I don’t believe you like fast paced builds and need to rethink your thief build. Yes to more professions (atleast 1 or 2) but not another thief remake.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kanojo.9527


I would support if they were adding paragon

New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: pringles.3290


Paragon, or monk from GW1

New classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grendel.1235


I’ll be brutally honest. If I started playing an mmo, and I did not enjoy the classes. I would go play another mmo.

If GW2 follows the style of GW1, they will release newer classes come time for an expansion pack. As far as a fast paced class as you describe in Ninja Gaiden, I am afraid you are playing the wrong style of game my friend. I can’t think of an MMO to date with a play style like that. I guess that’s what makes Ninja Gaiden such a good game in its category.