New legendaries

New legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

my suggestions for new legendaries after the devs sort out existing ones.

Earthed (Greatsword)= a sword made from rocks and pure energy, (sheathed= just a handle) (Drawn= Earth below you cracks and jumps up and forms the blade while pure energy circles it keeping it place . Like the fractal weapons abit

Chaos Blade (sword)= two blades Chained to your hands, (sheathed=glowing swords) (Drawn= the chains come alive wrapping around you hands. (inspired by kratos god of war.

New legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pustulio.8207


[lights match, and sets thread on fire] There, now you can’t hurt anyone ANYMORE <:O [cries]