New playable race please? (Tengu)
Id also love the idea ofTengu being a playable race. Ever since Guildwars 1 I was a big fan of tengus, simply beautiful and interesting creatures. And since guildwars 1 i was hoping that maybe one day they would become playable. Still hoping
Actually I kind of feel this will happen. There is room for at least two areas for Tengu and I think area wise it fits and a matching level 15 area could easily be made so I also hope it gets incorporated. Besides Tengu I like the idea of kodan. What do people feel about naga as a possible race versus Forgotten?
I think Tengu are by far the most popular choice for a new race, or at least that’s the impression I get from reading this forum. They’re cool, they have their own civilization (with ties to Cantha, no less!) and they just have a lot going for them all around.
Adding Tengu would be a pretty tremendous undertaking, since it would require substantial new Personal Story content, player appearances (lots of faces, patterns, body types, and sliders to adjust,) and so on. I definitely wouldn’t write it off, but I expect it would be expansion content rather than Living Story content.
Read the making of book. They were nearly playable they will likely be first added as they will already have stuff made