New rewards, Tyria live again

New rewards, Tyria live again

in Suggestions

Posted by: chucky.4798



I have some really cool idea: Emotes, titles, minipets, weapons, armors.

Let me explain.

1. New rewards for Dungeons at Token vendors

  • Convert dungeon tokens one to the other (2:1 or 3:1)
  • 2 new box for tokens. One contains random lodestones. Other contains random tier 6 materials. For example: Lodestone box = 250 token, Material Box = 150 tokens
  • 8 new dungeon specific minipets, one of each, for 900 dungeon tokens
  • 8 new dungeon specific titles, one of each, for 1200 dungeon tokens
  • 8 new dungeon specific emotes, one of each, for 1200 dungeon tokens
  • 8 new dungeon specific costume hats, one of each, for 1500 dungeon tokens
  • 8 new dungeon specific costume toys, one of each, for 1500 dungeon tokens
  • 8 new dungeon specific costumes, one of each, for 2500 dungeon tokens

2. New rewards for Fractals at BUY-4373 (fractal merchant)

  • Convert Fractal Relic -> Pristine Fractal Relic and vice versa. 250 fractal tokens = 1 Pristine fractal Relic. 1 Pristine fractal Relic = 250 fractal tokens
  • Buy fractal materials for Pristine Fractal Relics
    • 1 Pristine fractal relic = 1 Vial of Condensed Mists Essence
    • 3 Pristine fractal relic = 1 Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence
    • 5 Pristine fractal relic = 1 Shard of Crystallized Mists Essence
  • Sell fractal material for Fractal relics
    • 1 Vial of Condensed Mists Essence = 50 Fractal Relics
    • 1 Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence = 50 Fractal Relics
    • 1 Shard of Crystallized Mists Essence = 50 Fractal Relics
  • Buy fractal weapons for 30 pristine fractal relics
  • 2 new box for tokens. One contains random lodestones. Other contains random tier 6 materials. For example: Lodestone box = 5 pristine fractal relics, Material Box = 3 pristine fractal relics
  • 1 new fractal specific minipet for 30 pristine fractal relics
  • 1 new fractal specific title for 40 pristine fractal relics
  • 1 new fractal specific emote for 40 pristine fractal relics
  • 1 new fractal specific costume hat for 50 pristine fractal relics
  • 1 new fractal specific costume toy for 50 pristine fractal relics
  • 1 new fractal specific costume for 80 pristine fractal relics

3. New token for jumping puzzles, new jp vendor

  • You get 1 jp token from each opened jp chest
  • 2 new box for jp tokens. One contains random lodestones. Other contains random tier 6 materials. For example: Lodestone box = 20 jp tokens, Material Box = 10 jp tokens
  • 1 new jpuzzle specific minipet for 60 jp tokens
  • 1 new jpuzzle specific title for 70 jp tokens
  • 1 new jpuzzle specific emote for 70 jp tokens
  • 1 new jpuzzle specific costume hat for 100 jp tokens
  • 1 new jpuzzle specific costume toy for 100 jp tokens
  • 1 new jpuzzle specific costume for 150 jp tokens
  • New jpuzzle specific weapon set for jp tokens
  • New jpuzzle specific armor set for jp tokens

The numbers are only example, but the suggestion is more than only the numbers.

It is not a huge content (no new area, class or profession) but it provides a plenty of player hours. Like in GW1 (hard mode, vanquish or the zaishen quests).

(edited by chucky.4798)

New rewards, Tyria live again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Convert dungeon tokens one to the other (2:1 or 3:1)

Crappy ideas like this would ruin GW2, because with a Token Converter, nobody would play anymore all the dungeons, everybody would just farm only then the most easiest dungeon paths for just the masks, as example CoF 1 and then convert the marks to the ones from the much harder dungeons as like Arah …

Dungeon Vendors surely need most things to sell for Dungeon Marks, , but ist must be things, that are mostly not a “one buy only”, but instead more things, that you want to buy over and over again…

Also Anet has to change all the rare equipments from Dungeons

1. They should all receive their own design and should not be some silly boring uncreative recycled armor skins
2. all the dungeon items from vendors should be UNSALVAGEABLE, because alot of people abuse these simple to receive items, at least those that are over lvl 70 to get way too easy on Ectoplasm Globs, whats 1 point, why those Globs sell so cheap and keep on sinking in their price, because they are too easy to receive at the moment, if you can basically get 2 rare items out of 60 marks, having basically the chance each time to get maximum 6 globs if your lucky.

Lodestones is an other topic, these are by far too rare, you need them alot especially for alot of the most interesting recipes and therfore that you always need like a ful stack of them, before you can make somethign with them, therefore they drop too rarely and therefore it would be good, to have a way to echange marks against lodestones to speed up a little bit that way the progress of gettign all the lodestones you need for crafting…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New rewards, Tyria live again

in Suggestions

Posted by: chucky.4798


Orpheal yes you are right, but is more than you say. New rewards is always good, and lots of hour to get rewards. That is the important part.

The other very important are the fractal and jumping puzzle rewards.

If you get rewards, the motivate is growing.