New skills
Ive only one reply left open for you …
Theres no need to make 2 threads with the same topic with two tiny different posts, when you could have made just 1 single thread with both postings as 1 >.<
Besides that, this kind of “idea” has already been discussed to death.
Edit: now that the threads have been merged, I would like to diuscuss one thign here, that i find interesting. A thought that came to me too automatically with the latest patch.
Its a kind of illusion effect and i think too, this would fit perfectly as an impreovement for the Mesmer as a kind of new Utility Skill Category – illusionary effects that alter for the enemy the screen effects and let them see things, that aren’t there in real.
Thats for me personalyl the definition of an illusion, that you see things, that aren’t real, losing control over your visual abilities to define what is real and what is not.
Screen effects like that of the actual patch, or that one from fighting Liadri and other similar effects like this for example the view of being a drunkard, where distances are permanently changing for the victim so that you can#t guess aynmore, if somethign is far away or right at your feet….
That are funny mechanics that a Mesmer should play around with together with Halluzinations
(edited by Orpheal.8263)