New skills for 2013

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


It was stated that for the 2nd half of 2013 there would be a ton of updates for the game from improving legendaries to the reward system, etc etc. So far many of them have come true and with great results, so I have high hopes for the new skills for 2013.

My biggest concern is that they may introduce more utility skills that never serve a purpose. I suggest that these new skills do exactly what each profession was meant to do from the start, fulfill all roles. By this I mean, give ranger’s better skills for dungeon play, give thieves better skills for zerg play in wvw (almost all their skills are for selfish needs and not effective in large groups), things like that. If a profession is missing some key element that a lot of other professions already have, add it in.

For example warrior can use sword/wh or gs and offer great mobility, ele can provide constant swiftness, thief can ss, necro is bound to a whimsy wh or taking a utility slot. Things like that should be fixed without sacrificing a build entirely.


Shadow Advance(Deception)- Teleport ahead leaving a smoke cloud at your starting and ending location. Allies can only enter the void once to move between them.
Cast range 1200 units
Combo Field: Smoke
Field duration 4 seconds
Field radius 240 units
Blind duration 2 seconds
Cooldown 90 seconds

Art of stealth(elite skill)- Create a dark wall which grants allies stealth and swiftness.
Stealth duration 5 seconds.
Swiftness duration 5 seconds.
Wall duration 3 seconds.
Combo field: Dark
Cooldown 120 seconds.
Max targets to affect 20.
Give thieves some good group stealth already. With only 2 real stealth classes, both should be able to help a group with it on the move


Change furious demise to also apply aoe swiftness for the 5 seconds. It’s not much but atleast it gets them into the chase with no real method to keeping up (0 leap finishers on land, 0 directional teleports that are reliable). So 5 seconds of aoe swiftness and 5 seconds of self- fury.

Spectral charge(spectral)- Dash forward causing vulnerability to foes you touch and granting swiftness at the end as well as damaging foes. Gain life force if for each foe you hit at the end.
5 Vulnerability to foes you touch (130 units) for 8 seconds
Dash distance 900 units ( 1.25 seconds)
Life force per foe 3%
Breaks stun
Cooldown 45 seconds.
A lot like the ghosts in orr that go invulnerable and charge you, except you break stun instead of going invulnerable, and cause vulnerability


Powerful banners- Although not much, add “Banners heal allies in the area when summoned”. Heal is about the same as shout heals. But really this trait is awful regardless.

Uppercut(Physical)- Deliver a powerful punch the launches your foe and deals heavy damage (single target).
Launch distance 450 units
Cooldown 30 seconds
Essentially the power of stomp but into 1 heavy single target hit with a shorter cooldown. By heavy I mean more than the typical physical utility but nothing like final strike or eviscerate. Reason being more so for spvp as stomp is a long cooldown and quite easy to negate with blind or by fast mobility due to its short radius of effect

“Rally to me!”(shout)- Break stun for nearby allies.
Stability duration 1 second.
Radius of effect 600 units.
Breaks stun.
Cooldown 50 seconds.


Flee(shout)- Grant you and your pet stealth for a brief time. If you break stealth by attacking, gain might.
Stealth duration 3 seconds.
10 stacks of might for 4 seconds(this is for you and your pet, but you will not grant each other might by breaking stealth).
Cooldown 45 seconds.

Search and rescue- Change to grant the ally it revives 2 seconds of invulnerability when they start healing. Otherwise this skill really serves no use in spvp or wvw(easily negated by planting). In some cases even pve (world events).

Wind spirit(spirit)- Summon a wind spirit that grants allies a change to gain vigor on hit.
-> Your Wind spirit will create a dome of wind around its location, absorbing projectiles. Lasts 10 seconds, ends early if killed. Cooldown 45 seconds.
Vigor duration 2 seconds.
Dome radius 400 units.
Cooldown 25 seconds.
Walls are very popular in many dungeons, unless underwater ranger really could use one. May even work well in wvw

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: fizzypop.6458


Yes, we desperately need more skills.

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: timos.6754


1 thing id rly like is.. for the elementalist an elit skill glyph that
In water : creates a shield buble similar to the one from veteran reefriders that blocks projectles and grants regenaration for ppl inside it when a projectile is beeing absordet

In air : Creates a lightning frield that stuns ppl and works as a combo field (i mean stuns all ppl inside it not just ppl who cross borders> im 100% sure i have seen a rly big lightning orb animation with a range kinda as big as chuning earth.. cant remember where though

In earth : does an aoe shockwave (similar to toad king atack or new tequatil wave) that knocks enemys back and imobilizes them for 3sec? im not sure how op that would be S:

In fire : grants vigor to allys and blinds enemys? (would be intresting to give fire some suport capability

something along theese lines would make the ellie so much cooler !

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aorin.9168


I’d like to see mesmer get an at-will defense skill, like protection or a temp +armor /defense reduction. Currently the only skill is Phantasmal Defender (redirects half damage). Problem with Defender is low hp, unless you have the +50% hp signet on, you won’t get much from this skill.

Temporal Armor
Create a bubble of energy around yourself, reducing damage taken for X seconds.

could grant protection or some other type of buff similar to how chaos armor has its own unique “boon”

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


That’s another thing Timos, I think players and enemies sharing skills is very important because it adds a unique skill level to the fight(mentioned the reef riders bubble). Not all skill tooltips have their full list of inner workings listed and this gives players who know how skill x works an edge on their combat and rewards them for knowing. Even some major bosses share skills from the 8 professions, and it’s nice knowing how they work before hand so we don’t walk in entirely blind.

Speaking of Southsun, I wish they removed “spider venom” for thief and added,

Karka Venom(venom)-Transfer a condition on your next 3 successful strikes.
Duration 30 seconds.
Cooldown 45 seconds.
would do wonders with venom share in a group for anywhere really. And spider venom is just too weak, much more reliable sources of poison that don’t waste a utility slot

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Share the Wealth(trick)- Share your current boons with nearby allies.
Range 600
Cooldown 60 seconds
Similar to Signet of inspiration from mesmers. Goal being to make thieves more party friendly

Static wire(trap)- Set a trap that leaves enemies vulnerable
Duration 6 seconds
3 stacks of vulnerability every pulse
Vulnerability duration 8 seconds.
Pulses every 2 seconds.
Combo Field: Lightning
Cooldown 45 seconds.


Well of despair- Target area pulses, decreasing enemy condition resistance.
Condition duration on enemies +70%(in well)
Duration 5 seconds.
Cooldown 50 seconds.

Summon Haunting fiend(minion)- Summon a Ghostly figure to attack foes, dealing bonus damage to weaker foes.
+25% damage towards foes below 50% health.
->Command your ghost to cast a chilling field around your target.
Field duration 4 seconds.
1 second of chill per field pulse
pulses every second
Field radius 240 units
Combo Field: Ice
Cooldown 35 seconds.


Staff of Guidance(spirit)-Summon a Arcane Staff to defend you.
->Command your staff to purge 3 conditions from nearby allies and leave behind a burning field. This destroys the staff.
Radius of effect 300 units
Field duration 3 seconds.
Combo Field: Fire
Cooldown 50 seconds


“Finish Them!”(Shout)- Send your pet to finish a downed enemy.
Stability duration 4 seconds.
Cooldown 60 seconds.
stability starts at the beginning, so 4 seconds could be useless if the ranger uses this on a far away enemy. If need be, the time to finish them could be longer than the average player.


Blood Raged Stance(stance)- Gain might when struck.
Might duration 7.5 seconds.
Internal Cooldown .5 seconds.
Duration 8 seconds.
Cooldown 50 seconds.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crysys.1297


Thief Elite skill:
Enveloping Shadow
The thief becomes a shadow: gaining quickness for a short time and allowing the thief to perform stealth attacks but is not invisible.
Casting time 0.5 seconds
Duration 4 seconds
Cooldown 80 seconds

(edited by Crysys.1297)

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

I hope they will include new weapon skills. I won’t hate new utilities (and would like some new elites), but I’d much rather be able to customize my 2-5 skills for a given weapon.

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I hope they will include new weapon skills. I won’t hate new utilities (and would like some new elites), but I’d much rather be able to customize my 2-5 skills for a given weapon.

I think they’ll do that in the form of new weapon choices, from the looks of it each weapon serves it’s purpose (some more than others). Adding swappable skill sets per weapon just complicates things, it makes more sense to change the playstyle by weapon choice rather than what way you swing the sword or axe.

Greataxes have been suggested for ages (prolly as many posts on gaxe as mounts sadly… search bar needs to be fixed already).

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: imagangsta.1349


I hope they will include new weapon skills. I won’t hate new utilities (and would like some new elites), but I’d much rather be able to customize my 2-5 skills for a given weapon.

I doubt they’re going to add new weapons for the October 1st patch, however they may add existing weapons to be used by professions that cannot use them. Such as a ele with a sword, or a guardians with a bow, or a necromancer with a sword, etc.

Crystal Desert Kingswood Brotherhood [KWBH]
Percivel: Guardian, Vayne Silverjaw: Warrior, Varon Aren: Elementalist

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Engineers need new skills >>;

Especially a real movement speed boosting one.

I ? Karkas.

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Engineers need new skills >>;

Especially a real movement speed boosting one.

Don’t they have elixers that grant swiftness? Engi’s don’t got signets so as far as a passive movement speed bonus idk…

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i just want my necro to use a GS, it also needs to be a weapon to DPS the kitten out of them.

New skills for 2013

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


For ele I would like an elite skill that can be used underwater that you dont have to pay 50 skill points for at level 30. XD BTW 50 skill points = 20 for 2 elites to unlock 1st tier + 30 for the skill.