So I randomly stumbled across this movie beast on youtube and i thought to myself that it would be an amazing Guild Wars 2 Underwater WorldBoss and even better if it was a risen one, lets start a bit short about the pre event.
It starts in Whisper Bay in orr at Murmur Waypoint where a Durmand priory npc notice some strange sounds under the sea and decides to go for a research and you as a player gets the mission to protect him will he is looking around
your group and the npc starts to travel east of the island and dives down the sea and keeps swimming down to the bottom of the sea, he then finds some strange and never seen before eggs. He picks some up and inspects it. right as he is placing it back he hears a roars around him he looks around and sees a horde of Risen sharks from all directions charging against your group and him. Your group gets a new event where you have to defend him for X amount of time while risen sharks swarms you, During the swarm it might spawn some Risen Megalodon Depends on player scaling. When the wave is over the npc says: ‘’ Phew im glad its over, I have a bad feeling about this lets get out while we can.’’ right after that you hear a loud roar and the npc recognize it and the Risen Sharktopus comes charging at you and your group.
So here are some attacks I came up for it:
Charge: like every sharks in gw2 it can charge against your foe and knocking em aside
Tentacle attack: As simple as it sounds it uses its tentacles to attack the enemies. It can attack multiple players with different tentacles with the max is 8
Tentacle Swipe: The sharktopus does a spin swiping with the tentacles, damaging all around and knocking them back.
Giant bite: yep the sharktopus takes a huge bite in front of him dealing huge damage and inflicting 8 stacks of bleeds in front of him
Corrosive Breath: It breathes out a big poisonous cloud dealing damage, inflicting poison and weakness each pulse to anyone in it. The cloud have a 900 radius and stays there for 50s.
Ink Cloud: Sprays the area behind him with ink blinding anyone in it. The cloud stays there for 50s with 900radius. Extra effect the longer you are in the ink cloud the darker will your screen turn, if there for too long the screen can become completly black.
Jaw of abyss: Sharktopus uses his tentacles too grab 2 players for 30s the player who are grabbed are stunned for the entire duration and cannot be broken but can be freed by the other players by attacking the tentacle. When 30s goes by and the players are still not freed the shark will eat the two players, instant killing them and heals it for 10% each. Can’t be hard ressed when the players are eaten. Also during the grab phase the shark still have the mouth and six tentacles left to attack with.
Roar of madness: Sharktopus unleashes an majestic roar fearing all players for 5s and inflicting 8 stacks of confusion for 13s
tentacle move(?): yeah not sure what to name it but anyway a attack where he uses all of his tentacle to move players to either to a active poison cloud or closer to him to then prepare a Giant bite
When sharktopus get his health to under 20% grants him a berserk buff and will start to swim around the players with a really high speed dealing damage to every players caught in his path and knocking them around. During this duration sharktopus Evades every incoming damage
So yeah thats pretty much all i could come up with, tried to think some more cool ‘’enviromental moves’’ like Jaws of abyss but couldnt think of any . So what do you guys and girls think? Too op? too weak? too lame? :P
EDIT: fixed some spellings and added some stuffs that i forgot to write down :S
(edited by Darkside.5438)