New way for Fast Casting

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: rodadams.5963


A nifty way to increase the usefulness of fast casting ground targeting would be to break it up between key down and key up.

On Key Down: Bring up the targeting reticle, and allow it to be moved with the mouse still.

On Key Up: Fire the skill at current mouse location.

This should be a trivial change to those already using FCGT, since it will quickly fire. However, it also allows people to still have the visual size and location cues that non-FCGT get.

Thanks, from a grenade Engineer getting RSI issues.

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nretep.2564


I understand the issue with grenade engineers, but here you have to either like the current system or not like it. Don’t try to change the system because of one single skill (/kit).

If you constantly run around with the grenade kit, better constantly use this option. For this I’d prefer either an option “turn on with grenade kit” (next to “on” and “off”).

But if you haven’t noticed, pressing the skill button again starts the skill – w/o using the LMB. This might be a tiny bit slower than using both button triggers (down and up), but it still works. I pretty much don’t use the LMB and don’t like the current option either, but I got used to pressing the skill twice (sometimes with mouse movement and sometimes just spam twice). Feels okay even with grenade kit (but I still hate it).

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


I tried fast casting. Too much outta range for my liking.

I just stick with double tapping the key.

Not sure if it could be set for hold and release without some major rewrites

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: rodadams.5963


I understand the issue with grenade engineers, but here you have to either like the current system or not like it. Don’t try to change the system because of one single skill (/kit).

If you constantly run around with the grenade kit, better constantly use this option. For this I’d prefer either an option “turn on with grenade kit” (next to “on” and “off”).

But if you haven’t noticed, pressing the skill button again starts the skill – w/o using the LMB. This might be a tiny bit slower than using both button triggers (down and up), but it still works. I pretty much don’t use the LMB and don’t like the current option either, but I got used to pressing the skill twice (sometimes with mouse movement and sometimes just spam twice). Feels okay even with grenade kit (but I still hate it).

I also play ele, necro, and plenty of other roles which use ground targeting. I want this for all of them, but singled out grenades, since that is the time where after doing a dungeon for a while, my hand hurts.

And yes, I know about the double hitting to get what I want. That’s what I currently do as a compromise, but the rapid tapping non-stop is what kills my hand.

I guess I don’t see what the problem with my suggestion is. If you like the current system, it’ll still behave the same way… You tap the key, and the skill fires where you were pointing.
This just gives you the option to fine tune your targetting by holding the key down.

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Panda.1967


I’d love to see this too.

I recently started a necro and turned FCGT back on because of all the GT staff skills… I got so annoyed having to define my target over and over again… even double tap was frustrating… but not having the visual ques from normal GT is a pain.. plus As big of a surprise as this may be… it already appears to be in the system to trigger on Key Up… I can press and hold 2 and it wont cast until I release already. So this won’t change anything for those who use FCGT as it is now and like it how it is now. It will only add a visual que to the skill as though you were using normal GT.

Please stop assuming I’m a guy… I am female.

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Despair.1805


Can we bump this x10000?
This is actually something that this game needs, if not just for the PvP.
I know so many players want this implemented.

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


glad i found this thread was about to suggest it myself

i want to hold down a key to temporarily disable fast-cast ground targeting

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mentalhead.5721


Good idea, I would like to see it in the game.

New way for Fast Casting

in Suggestions

Posted by: rodadams.5963


{thread necromancy in progress}

Seeing pretty much exactly this in the pre-release notes for Oct 15 has made me very happy.

Thanks Devs!