New way to Spend Gems and Alt Queueing
1.) first off, since WvW isn’t a ride with a set time, there’s isn’t a good way to reliably predict when other people will be done and you’ll be let in. Secondly, allowing people to pay to get into WvW is giving way too much of an advantage to people who pay real money. I would think this would also increase the number of high level characters in WvW and lower the number of lower level characters. The High level characters being able to easily afford tickets. On top of that it then will increase the already lengthy queue times.
2.)This one just kinda confuses me, I don’t see anything wrong with it or anything. Do you have certain characters that you only use for WvW? Personally I play all my characters everywhere. But yea if people have certain characters that they only use for WvW I can see that being useful
Thanks Crash, I do think that what it will do is encourage people to spend Gems on the map they want to get in with guildies etc. The real reason for it is the same as the amusement parks and that’s to make money (arenanet is a for profit business). I am definitely not advocating all the “paying” people get in first but give a higher QoS to them instead.
It would increase queue time for the low level players but they can farm silver to buy gems etc and get in fast as well (or just wait a few more minutes). RL Money can be converted to Gems but so can in game currency. Truthfully though lower level players have other things to do aside from WvW for those who are 80 and enjoy WvW and have most of their gear it’s either alts (see comment #2) or run around farming gold.
Appreciate the feedback I see your point and it’s valid, I feel the pros outwiegh the cons, but thanks for the adult-like response.