New weapon types & Uility skills
Personally, Great Axe all the way, as every other weapon has a 2 handed variant, sword/great sword, pistol/rifle, Mace/Hammer, it only makes sense to include it.
Arkanoi from Aurora Glade
Most likely in a pub…unable to sit on stools/chairs
Most likely in a pub…unable to sit on stools/chairs
LAND versions of Spear / Trident / Harpoon Gun.
Some kind of punchy death gauntlets thing.
A great axe would be awesome.
But besides that the weapons I would love to see:
Spears for land combat.
Mini Crossbow, so you could dubbel wield, might be usefull for thieves.
A rifle for rangers.
A net shield, Like you saw in gladiator fights, to cripple your opponent.
A morning star.
And of course more polar arms.
Pretty much what I can think of atm.