Next six months: Endgame!

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


ArenaNet should dedicate the next 6 months of updates after they finish adding to the open world to build more on the endgame content.
Now when I say endgame I don’t mean something any level 1 can enter like WvW, I mean something that is only accessible to those who are level 80 and have completed their personal story(Gear should not matter).

Also when I say “add to the endgame” I don’t mean anymore temporary content like the living story, build permanent content into the endgame, take an example from Runescape over the many years it’s been out they have been building permanent content into the endgame and all layers of the game even the newbie content that if someone where to start playing right now as a new player they would literally never run out of stuff to do this is how they should build onto Guildwars 2, imo the only acceptable temporary content are holiday events and other seasonal celebrations but not for core updates like the living story adding a temporary new dungeon.

If I could also suggest something for the pvp endgame(WvW and Spvp = not endgame) I would say something like a new map or island that only level 80s who have completed the story can enter and in that new map anyone can attack anyone and people compete for rare items and resources while fighting each other and powerful monsters and dragons while dynamic events pop up that make people kill each other more and there’s contested jumping puzzles with treasure at the end……idk something like that would be awesome.

Currently the endgame is lacking very much right now since you can already do almost everything at low levels, adding level 80 exclusive PERMANENT content would be very good.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’m all for new content. But why does it have to be exclusive to 80’s? What’s the upside to that?

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


I’m all for new content. But why does it have to be exclusive to 80’s? What’s the upside to that?

Because people who are reaching level 80 find that there is nothing else meaningful to do so they just quit because they where already doing things like WvW throughout the entire leveling time. The definition of endgame are things only max level players can do and guildwars 2 needs a lot more of that to give level 80s a reason to continue playing.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I’m all for new content. But why does it have to be exclusive to 80’s? What’s the upside to that?

That you feel like you’ve achieved something. You know, like getting paid for doing a job…

(sarcasm, in case anyone missed it)

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


The definition of endgame are things only max level players can do and guildwars 2 needs a lot more of that to give level 80s a reason to continue playing.

Oh I know what end game means. My question is why you think it’s necessary. Are you under the impression that once you hit 80 you can no longer complete Lornar’s Pass because it’s not an 80-only zone? It’s not 80-only (and therefor not “end game” by definition) but it’s still something enjoyable to do. Yes, you are granted access to Caudecus Manor at 30. But I’m still running it at 80. What benefit is there to an aspect of a game that allows only 80’s over something that everyone can play? I’m not being smart; simply trying to understand why there is so much outcry for “more end game.” I’m not against new high level stuff. A new zone that we can hit after Orr & Southsun. A new dungeon. But I don’t get this exclusionary point of view. This game seems designed to be fully enjoyed from level 2 on up. People complained about gear progression & gating, yet have no problem asking for 80-only stuff. Seems strange to me.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


The definition of endgame are things only max level players can do and guildwars 2 needs a lot more of that to give level 80s a reason to continue playing.

Oh I know what end game means. My question is why you think it’s necessary. Are you under the impression that once you hit 80 you can no longer complete Lornar’s Pass because it’s not an 80-only zone? It’s not 80-only (and therefor not “end game” by definition) but it’s still something enjoyable to do. Yes, you are granted access to Caudecus Manor at 30. But I’m still running it at 80. What benefit is there to an aspect of a game that allows only 80’s over something that everyone can play? I’m not being smart; simply trying to understand why there is so much outcry for “more end game.” I’m not against new high level stuff. A new zone that we can hit after Orr & Southsun. A new dungeon. But I don’t get this exclusionary point of view. This game seems designed to be fully enjoyed from level 2 on up. People complained about gear progression & gating, yet have no problem asking for 80-only stuff. Seems strange to me.

Its just proven time and again if an mmo does not give max levels something new to do that others can’t people will quit in large numbers upon reaching max level. I know they wanted to sell the game as everything being endgame from level 1 but I just don’t see that flying with the mass mmo crowd and the concurrency rates have already been falling somewhat.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: xydrassial.6953


there is stuff to do just incredibly irritating to actually get into. de’s for example would be great to sit down after work and just play through for a while. but u need to be ontop of them to have them trigger on the map, but there so few and far between that its not a content type that’s easily done reliably. u could sit down and just plough through de’s but allot of the play time would be finding the kitten things.

the big zone events are visually cool but loose the that cool factor extremely quickly when u begin to notice the poor encounter design (not all, there are a few good ones that are fun to do).

dungeons are okay but a pain in the rear to actually find a group for, an lfg i believe is in the works. although im not entirely sure what is taking them so freaking long considering its something that is an mmo standard and they have a great example of how to set it up on gw2lfg.

there’s allot of work to be done to the core game, i do like the temp content and i see the reason for it financially but some time spent making the core game user friendly would be really welcome.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: CeNedro.7560


RuneScape is a bad example, because it’s just one big grindfest(ok, now it’s pay4rng &/ grindfest). In RS a bunch of players cried for more highlevelstuff, then the lower players cried that it’s not accessable content for casuals, then they added better training spots, then the high level players cried that they are devaluating their achievements and so on. I love Anets idea of NOT excluding players from content. You can praise RS for its crafting system, its quests, its active community & the possibilities for roleplayers, but definately not for its endgame… I really hope arenanet don’t walk right into the ‘endgame’-trap.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


RuneScape is a bad example, because it’s just one big grindfest(ok, now it’s pay4rng &/ grindfest). In RS a bunch of players cried for more highlevelstuff, then the lower players cried that it’s not accessable content for casuals, then they added better training spots, then the high level players cried that they are devaluating their achievements and so on. I love Anets idea of NOT excluding players from content. You can praise RS for its crafting system, its quests, its active community & the possibilities for roleplayers, but definately not for its endgame… I really hope arenanet don’t walk right into the ‘endgame’-trap.

I don’t mean make it a never ending grind fest like runescape I mean something that you can enter right away after finishing the personal story and being a level 80 which wont even take to long in this game since leveling is pretty fast and the content wont be gear restricted meaning a level 80 story finisher can walk in it with level 1 gear if they wanted.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispytoast.3698


I agree that there needs to be more end level content, there needs to be more areas after orr that are level 80 zones. There need to be zones that you need to be in a party to get through. I only have 1 level 80 right now and I am running dungeons to get the gear I want while also working on my Been There Done That Title. I am currently at 75%. What PvE content is there for me to do after I finish those two objectives? I could run more dungeons but that would just be for saving tokens. I could work on a legendary but the time I have a life outside GW so it is not a top priority.

One thing I miss from GW1 is that in order to progress through the game you had to have a party. Less so after heroes came out but parties were still better than AI. In GW2 you will see players at events but everyone is usually just doing their own thing. No one is working together.

Save the orphans of Divinity’s Reach
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Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


I agree that there needs to be more end level content, there needs to be more areas after orr that are level 80 zones. There need to be zones that you need to be in a party to get through. I only have 1 level 80 right now and I am running dungeons to get the gear I want while also working on my Been There Done That Title. I am currently at 75%. What PvE content is there for me to do after I finish those two objectives? I could run more dungeons but that would just be for saving tokens. I could work on a legendary but the time I have a life outside GW so it is not a top priority.

One thing I miss from GW1 is that in order to progress through the game you had to have a party. Less so after heroes came out but parties were still better than AI. In GW2 you will see players at events but everyone is usually just doing their own thing. No one is working together.

I loved GW1 to death and bought every single game even the bonus mission dlc’s and I feel that gw1 had more longetivity than gw2 currently has.
when I started gw1 I played non stop for a few years, when I started gw2 I played only for a month then started taking breaks and am now just playing on and off.
they had the right idea with the eye of the north expansion now they need to start basing new endgame content off the idea that eotn had.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Endgame including raiding is already here.

People like the OP just refuse to use it

Sorry but your “suggestion” is nothing more then wasted space & time on the forums

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Macpherson.3097


I started this game 2 days ago, after playing WoW for 6 years.

I love the game, I mean it’s so different, the combat is really really intense and it’s the best I’ve ever seen, with the real-time dodging and evasion manouvers, it’s absoloutely incredible, props to this game.

BUT – The only thing I seem to dislike is the fact that you make a level 1 character, you can do everything in the entire game that people that are level 80 have worked their kitten off for, I think they should have more extensive PvP that is level restricted, for example, at level 80 it is level 80’s in that PvP only, and you don’t all get given the same gear, make PvP gear something to work hard for at level 80,

I like WoW’s idea of 10-19, 20-29 and so on of PvP better, I don’t like the idea of joining the game and doing everything endgame without completing any content..

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


BUT – The only thing I seem to dislike is the fact that you make a level 1 character, you can do everything in the entire game that people that are level 80 have worked their kitten off for, I think they should have more extensive PvP that is level restricted, for example, at level 80 it is level 80’s in that PvP only, and you don’t all get given the same gear, make PvP gear something to work hard for at level 80,

I like WoW’s idea of 10-19, 20-29 and so on of PvP better, I don’t like the idea of joining the game and doing everything endgame without completing any content..

That is rather the point of the game.

There is no “endgame” by design. The whole game itself is your “endgame”.

As for PvP, I have to disagree on the gear. PvP that allows for people to win because they have superior items rather than being superior players is crap. Personally, if they added deathmatch to sPvP, I would probably end up playing GW2 until the servers close.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


you know, i love it. since betas, people have been screaming “there’s no endgame!!!” these are, typically, the players who only level one character, as quickly as they can, so they can get to the “real” game. these players didn’t do the research on the game. they didn’t read or listen to the interviews with the anet devs, wherein they stated “we want the entire game to be endgame.” they don’t understand the initiative to keep the entire world someplace explore-worthy. and further? when they hear people like me point these things out, they respond with “well, i don’t care. this game needs endgame.”
truth is there are A LOT of players, like me, like my husband, like my guild, like many of the friends i’ve made ingame — who love this game, and play this game, for love of the game. we love what anet has created. we love the open world that’s changing and evolving around us. we love the plethora of professions available, and the myriad ways of playing each profession.
YOU say the game needs endgame. i say? you need a different game. leave mine alone.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


I started this game 2 days ago, after playing WoW for 6 years.

I love the game, I mean it’s so different, the combat is really really intense and it’s the best I’ve ever seen, with the real-time dodging and evasion manouvers, it’s absoloutely incredible, props to this game.

BUT – The only thing I seem to dislike is the fact that you make a level 1 character, you can do everything in the entire game that people that are level 80 have worked their kitten off for, I think they should have more extensive PvP that is level restricted, for example, at level 80 it is level 80’s in that PvP only, and you don’t all get given the same gear, make PvP gear something to work hard for at level 80,

I like WoW’s idea of 10-19, 20-29 and so on of PvP better, I don’t like the idea of joining the game and doing everything endgame without completing any content..

i apologize, but i must disagree with you on the statement that you can “do everything endgame without completing any content.” while, yes, you can wvw and spvp, you cannot do 1) dungeons 2) any area of any map that is more than three-four levels above your level and thus 3) any hearts or 4) any dynamic events in those areas, much less 5) any personal story quests you haven’t progressed to or 6) any of the achievements involving exploration, puzzle jumping, or so on in areas that are more than three-four levels above your level …

i could go on, but i think you get what i’m saying. there is FAR more content available than wvw, spvp, or the fractals.

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Navi.7142


I don’t really care for pvp or wvw, but this one..

If I could also suggest something for the pvp endgame(WvW and Spvp = not endgame) I would say something like a new map or island that only level 80s who have completed the story can enter and in that new map anyone can attack anyone and people compete for rare items and resources while fighting each other and powerful monsters and dragons while dynamic events pop up that make people kill each other more and there’s contested jumping puzzles with treasure at the end……idk something like that would be awesome.

.. is really good.
In my opinion it should be in the open world (pve), just in a very big map (and maybe another one which is “hard mode” and not that big, so you cannot hide really well). It should be focussed on lvl 80 characters, but you could just let it open for everyone and upscale them, BUT it should be that hard that not many low level or mid level characters would survive there long enough to really benefit from this map.

Maybe you also can group up inside this map or get in there already as a group. That way you can roam around with your friends in this very great map..

Hmm.. I really like this.. xD

(edited by Navi.7142)

Next six months: Endgame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Navi.7142


Some more thoughts on that idea..

The hard mode map could give you one or several debuffs by entering the map. These could change hourly, daily or weekly.

They could create new daily achievement category (something like “advanced/ experienced daily”) for these two maps, one for the “normal” one and one for the hard mode. For example there could be a task that you have to complete (aka “Kill 25 peoples”) or other things you have to be aware of (“Don’t die for 5 minutes”).

They could include new world bosses: on the normal map as soon as the boss (that hits really hard) is there players become friendly to each other and they have to kill the boss before they can fight against each other again.
On the hard mode map you would have to kill the boss and the other players… xD

However, the rewards should be great and if they give you a map specific token you should be able to exchange it into all other tokens that are out there. ^^