Night capping is an effective strategy.

Night capping is an effective strategy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ron.4920


So a month or so ago Arena net gave an official answer to night capping. Arena net said it was an effective strategy for war, and all is fair in war. Well guess what, its not a war its a video game.

Night capping is an effective strategy to get players to stop caring or playing in WvWvW. Regardless of what time zone you live in, if you spend gold/time on upgrades, and when you wake up the next morning you find that one server has come in and wiped all the maps to a single color. How many more times will you waste your money/time during that week to see the same results over and over? What happens if you’re against the same servers that night capped you all last week, will you then come in and play knowing it will turn out exactly the same as last week?

It is Saturday the servers were reset yesterday, you would expect there to be some serious representation for your server in WvWvW today. What you see though is a big turn out for the server in first place, the people on the other servers have either found other things to do, or have transferred to the winning server.

Please don’t try to say I’m causing this problem, or I’m just looking at it the wrong way, or its what you make of it. Scapegoating is not really an answer to anything.

I’m not going to argue with any of you, I’ll just ignore your post’s if you come off as a narcissistic animal waiting to hunt.

(edited by Ron.4920)

Night capping is an effective strategy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apathy.6430


If they are night capping you then you are night capping them.

Night capping is an effective strategy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


So the TL;DR version is
Night capping is pointless because it makes the same things happen week after week?

I hate to break it to you but even if no one did night capping the same thing would happen: you’d be “wasting” silver just to have WvW repeat itself again and again.

Night capping is an effective strategy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ron.4920


That would be awesome if that was true. It would make everything completely fair wouldn’t it?

Night capping is an effective strategy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ron.4920


So the TL;DR version is
Night capping is pointless because it makes the same things happen week after week?
I hate to break it to you but even if no one did night capping the same thing would happen: you’d be “wasting” silver just to have WvW repeat itself again and again.

No sir that is not what I was saying at all. We won’t be able to understand one another so I’m leaving it at that.

Night capping is an effective strategy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Regardless of what time zone you live in, if you spend gold/time on upgrades, and when you wake up the next morning you find that one server has come in and wiped all the maps to a single color.

Two way street. If someone is night capping you can night cap as well.

How many more times will you waste your money/time during that week to see the same results over and over? What happens if you’re against the same servers that night capped you all last week, will you then come in and play knowing it will turn out exactly the same as last week?

This is exactly what I was talking about. The TL:DR version is WvWvW is repetitive. Well if you don’t enjoy the very nature of WvWvW why would you keep playing it?
That’s like me saying “I don’t like how sPvP won’t let me use my hard earned PvE gear and this is a deterrent for other players too.” Well if you don’t like the mechanics of a certain mode you shouldn’t be playing it.

It is Saturday the servers were reset yesterday, you would expect there to be some serious representation for your server in WvWvW today. What you see though is a big turn out for the server in first place, the people on the other servers have either found other things to do, or have transferred to the winning server.

This sounds like a server issue not a WvWvW issue. If your server gives up its because your server lacks to conviction to even try then you need a server that’s more dedicated to WvWvW and you should transfer.

Please don’t try to say I’m causing this problem, or I’m just looking at it the wrong way, or its what you make of it. Scapegoating is not really an answer to anything.

So you make a complaint thread and then don’t want the truth? You’re right, we won’t see eye to eye.

Night capping is an effective strategy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sniku.6837


WvW is a 24/7 fight,there is no night or day,just continous fights