Nightly Restarts and Ranger Pets
+1 for the daily restarts, it’s messing up levelling really bad, if I can enter a zone at the appropriate level, 100% it, and still only go up 3-4 levels because there are no working DE’s, something is SERIOUSLY wrong
+1 for the restarts. There are some zones where there are multiple DE’s that are stuck or do not work at all. I saw a Champion continuously doing knockbacks in one spot yesterday, and you couldn’t get close to him because he would just knock you back. On top of that, he was stuck in one spot and would not move.
As far as the Ranger’s pets go, we need a way to stow them when we don’t want to use them. It seems if we 1) leave the water, 2) take fall damage or 3) are attacked, they pop up. There are times when we’re not going to want to be forced to deal with them (like in Dungeons), so it would be nice to be able to “turn them off” and keep them off when needed.
+1 for the restarts. Also the auto-restart will have to be activated lets say at least 12 hours after the system lost its connection from the server so we also count any possible server crashes to avoid annecessary restarts. Furthemore a 2nd system can me created that will check that the restart completed succesfully without errors or crashes and if not it will try to re-restart the server or contact an Anet employee currently present to properly restart the server.
About the Ranger’s pets. I’m not a ranger myself but a friend, that started playing along with me, is a ranger and when we party together his pet brings to us half the mobs that exist in the map. So a possible “fix” cound be that after about 10sec out of combat the pet will blend into the enviroment so it can neither be targeted nor be attacked. f course this has to be carefully tested before release to avoid any exploits of the feature in PvP/WvW or PvE places like dungeons.
I’m so tired and frustrated with my pets…having to spam F2 has gotten really old, they seem to attack whatever they want when they want, they stand idle in places that cause mahem…bleh
I just keep my pets stowed when I’m running around, and when I get aggro I just make the pet passive so it won’t start attacking. No problems with the pets so far.
- Rhéidyn :: Thief