No Gold Seller Mail Solution

No Gold Seller Mail Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: El Hefe.2814

El Hefe.2814

ok i know the gold selling problem has dramatically decresed in the last few weeks. but i was thinking. if Arenanet devs simply prevented the gold sellers from mailing me then i would never have to see another gold selling advertisement in my inbox again. and i think (although im not a computer guy) that it would be an easy fix.

simply dont let anyone mail a player unless they are on their friends list.

worried about trading items in-game? just add who you are trading with to your friends list. takes 2 seconds.

dont want to be their friend? delete them afterwards.

that’s all i got. thanks.

No Gold Seller Mail Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


I agree. I’d love the option to set who can and can’t send me mail, that would put an end to mail spam pretty quickly, if you used this feature at least which I think should be completely optional. I’d like to set it so guild members only could send me mail, I’d do that the second it was patched in.

No Gold Seller Mail Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


They aren’t asking for trading, they are asking to limit who can mail them. Player trading already happens via the mail as it is.

Which I agree with, allow us to limit who can send us mail via friends/guild list.

Now there COULD be a problem using the guild list as people swap what guild they represent changes the guild list they have access to.

(edited by Moderator)

No Gold Seller Mail Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I heartily disagree with this idea! Please make it optional, if it is implemented at all. I got lots of mail from strangers and very little of it is spam.

This message was brought to you by a Social Kitten Who Gets Lots of Mail

No Gold Seller Mail Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’d not want to have to add someone to my friends list before I could trade an item. What about fill-in people in dungeons? I’m happy to send them a drop I can’t use but two months later my friends list will be cluttered with who-the-heck-is-this names.

More importantly, since you don’t have to approve a friends request, the gold seller can simply friend you and then send the mail anyway.

No Gold Seller Mail Solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


The reason that gold spam is so difficult to lock down is that it is generally sent from compromised accounts. To determine if an account has been compromised is much harder than just using IP blocks or IP whitelisting. An account may have been legit 30 minutes ago, but now is being played by some account-thieving-prick. He/she strips all characters and valuables, mails off all goodies/cash, then proceeds to bot farm.

To combat this quickly, an optional “whitelisting” could be used. Add a tick box somewhere in the Mail pane.

Below are some EXAMPLES of how it might be used. Each option should be considered a tick box. Exception being the “Add to Whitelist” for obvious reasons.

Enable Mail Whitelists

  • Allow Friends (Contacts)
  • Allow Guild Members
  • Allow Mail From Characters Under Level 5
  • Add To Whitelist (With Textbox)
  • Allow From Anyone (Greys out other options)
