No depositing mini-pets automatically

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaos Queen.6102

Chaos Queen.6102

If your inventory is getting full and you have to hit the ‘deposit all collectables’ button in a hurry, there goes the mini-pet untill you get to the bank again. What is the use of having the fun little critters around if they are a headach? Either give them something like the ranger pets have for choice or set so you have to individually right click and chose to send them to the bank. That would be much nicer.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alviss.1256


a safe box prevents this.

anything within the safe box does not automatically get deposited. this way you can carry pets, jewels, etc. with you without them getting auto deposited.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaos Queen.6102

Chaos Queen.6102

What is a safe box and where do you get them? Are they available to low and mid-level characters or only to high levels? Haven’t seen them on merchants. Are they only available at the BL for RL cash? …..Ok that might sound snippy to read but it isn’t. Just really interested.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


You can craft them with the armor making professions. It has the same recipe as the normal bags but you add one of the dusts to it. (same crafting lvl dust as the bag) The safe bags also hide stuff from vendors and whatnot as well. But big warning if you use the mystic forge, the items still show up in the forge (i think it is a bug) so watch carefully if you keep other weapons in your bags to swap to when using the forge.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaos Queen.6102

Chaos Queen.6102

Thank you for the info.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i think that, more importantly, they need an equipable minipet slot. that way the mini will stay out every time you move to another area (no need to keep remembering to use it), and as a bonus, it frees up inventory space.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaos Queen.6102

Chaos Queen.6102

Hold it! Yes the safe bag keeps it from being deposited but you can not use it from there. You have to take it out of the bag to use it and that defeats the whole process. Next time you get pressed for space in a mad rush, it ends up back in the bank. BrunoBRS has a good idea but anything would work if we could just keep them out to run and play with like in GW1.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

Hold it! Yes the safe bag keeps it from being deposited but you can not use it from there. You have to take it out of the bag to use it and that defeats the whole process. Next time you get pressed for space in a mad rush, it ends up back in the bank. BrunoBRS has a good idea but anything would work if we could just keep them out to run and play with like in GW1.

What are you talking about? I use my Hall of Monuments minis from a safe bag all the time.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Peacenote.1698


i think that, more importantly, they need an equipable minipet slot. that way the mini will stay out every time you move to another area (no need to keep remembering to use it), and as a bonus, it frees up inventory space.

This is a fantastic idea. Please, please do this! Where do I vote?

Just think, everyone could get one slot automatically and have the option to buy more with gems. You could choose which slot is active to carry multiple pets at a time.

Personally I don’t like the safe bag solution because there is usually only one or two items I want to be “safe.” I haven’t used one yet, so I don’t know if, when your bags get full, the safe bag fills up last and you have to move auto-looted collectibles out of them, or if the safe bag won’t auto-fill but rather leaves blank slots, but either way seems annoying. A minipet slot would be awesome.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaos Queen.6102

Chaos Queen.6102

Guess my safe bag hates me then cause my mini only works out of the safe bag and in one of the regular ones. I think the mini-pet slot would be great. As long as we are spinning ideas, I would love to see the slot with one other feature. Being able to click on it and get a blown up look at the pet like you do with the character in Hero screen. The pets on GW1 had such beautifully detailed artwork that I always thought it a shame that it wasn’t easier to see them better…I’ll settle happily for a mini-pet slot though, with no bells and whistles. I sure won’t buy any and just go with my HoM minis if they are going to be this much of a pain to use. As this is probably going to be low on the ‘fix list’ for the game I can only hope it will happen someday.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: devi.9863


I agree, i hate when I forget and I only have 1 safe box on my main character and i deposit removing my pet. i like its a collectable obviously, but it should be exempt from autmatic depositing with the button
Asuran Mesmer · Starting on Aug 25, 2012
I am a trickster and smarter than any bookah

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


What if they made minis a different category from collectables? Add one more item to the drop down list, which is plenty short anyway so there’s room, and click Deposit Collectables or Deposit Minis.

I like the equip-slot idea as well, to save out just that one special mini, but most of the frustration would vanish by changing their “tag” in the deposit option.

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They should just put a miniature icon in the Hero panel, like with rangers, as you said.

Click it, and a list of names of all collections appear, so it works with any future collections that may get added (or not).
Choose a collection, and a panel like the pet selection panel appears, with all the minis in that collection, those you don’t have will appear grayed.
Choose a mini you have, and it will be automatically shown from your bank for that character, and saved, and if you teleport away, or log out, or zone, or are revived after being defeated, the client will put it out automatically, instead having to do it manually like now.

That’s what I’d rather have.

No exceptions!

No depositing mini-pets automatically

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrsAngelD.6971


I have my mini’s in invisible bags made by my tailor and I can have my mini out & about as well as not have it get deposited.