No money @ level 80 issue...

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


I’m at level 80 and have been for a while. I don’t go down often, but if I get mobbed a few times I’m looking at 4s minimum on first cracked piece

Waypoint travel cost me 1.62 silver to travel, even if I’m standing 3 feet from the waypoint. If I want to go long distances I’m looking at 3-4s

If I run though events in zones lower than 70 I get ~1.6 silver payount for 10-15 minutes of work. If I get bored and want to change zones the waypoint system is imposing a tax of sorts. This is also true if I want to play with friends.

Please cap waypoint cost at a much lower level (1s should be max for all waypoint travel), leave armor repair rates as they are. I can deal with armor repair and take some responsibility for going down. I should not be taxed by the game because I want to go play with a friend in a low level zone!

Also please change it so all crafting supply NPCs sell their goods for Karma. Karma is a currency in game that doesn’t get enough attention. It really was a great idea to allow players to buy gathering tools and salvage kits with it. We need this back.

As the game is implemented now it seems to be an economy that makes money for one group, those who play the trading post market. It’s almost as if an economist designed it this way. The problem is we don’t all want to play the market to get to by

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I really don’t understand why it is so bad in the producers minds that if waypoints were free sabotages the entire (fake) game economy after all.
Why can’t people travel around the whole map freely without forcing them to do events for getting the money back?
I thought there was no grinding in this game as they advertised it, but it seem thet only if i want to travel to different places and see what happens, I need to have a “grinding session” to be able to do that. Shamefull !

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Evil Elf.1948

Evil Elf.1948

I agree… I’ve been 80 since the first week of release (I’m a fairly competent player, I just sadly chose Mesmer as my main characters profession). Why is it that now, I still haven’t gotten even 50g? I’m paying out the kitten and only floating around 10g… If I add up everything I’ve managed to accumulate and not spent any money ever, I’d maybe have 30g… Yes people, I’ve got really kitteny drop rate chances, so no, I’ve not found good drops worth TP’ing! Some people really are this unlucky!

Why is this? I get we aren’t meant to have 1k gold by the end of the first month, fair enough, but why not have 50g after travel and repairs? Why not have a bit more cash to spend? It’ll still take me another month to buy the Icy Runestones towards my Legendary or towards my commander title, that’s 2 months of gameplay, you think that by then I will have learned how to play WvW properly? You think MAYBE by then I can direct my Server mates? Or do we have to GRIND out another 10 months to make you happy? That’d be freakin’ absurd!

I’m hitting a point where I don’t want to log in! I can’t do what I want to do, and what I want is to be able to finish up getting my exotic rings, I want my exotic underwater gear (How do you even get an exotic underwater mask anyways?)… I want to work towards getting my Legendary (The gold for the rune stones isn’t the hard part, getting everything else together to make the Gifts is honestly harder, think about it! IE: Dusk is now 240g >_>) I’m not a bad player, I’ve got full berserkers and I can run Explorables pretty decently… I can PvP fairly well, I’ve managed to do 100% zone completion with very little help, and as I said, I was 80 within the first week, I did no zone completion till I was 80, I did no story either, hell, I only started and completed my story this week, within the last few days infact (Enjoyed it, really did! <3 Forgal (Aka, Grandpa or Colonel)

But seriously Arena Net… I love playing the game, but what the hell? I’m starting to think you want the game to collapse on itself!

Charr females need boobies! I love FF VII and FF XIII and FF XIII-2
[Evil Elf – 80 Mesmer][Evil Fluffy – 61 Necromancer] Underworld

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


This is by design guys.

The MMO revenue model is moving away from fixed subscription costs to the “gemstore” model. This way they can make as much money from you as you are willing to spend.

I don’t really have a problem with this. It’s just how shareholders think. I do have a problem when it severely discourages teamplay and cooperation as it does now.

Eventually it will just lead to people not logging in anymore.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bubbles.1047


This is by design guys.

The MMO revenue model is moving away from fixed subscription costs to the “gemstore” model. This way they can make as much money from you as you are willing to spend.

I don’t really have a problem with this. It’s just how shareholders think. I do have a problem when it severely discourages teamplay and cooperation as it does now.

Eventually it will just lead to people not logging in anymore.

This is quite correct. What I dislike the most is the hypocrisy of it all. ‘RMT is bad. Here, buy some gold from us, instead.’

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

I have to tottaly agree with this post, i am a lvl 80 and have been for a while now. I am currently roaming around Orr and this in istelf can be costly if you happen to stumble on the wrong group. Although it is fast to generate money by selling EVERYTHING you pick up, the maximum is a bit of silver or even one gold. The down side is that you have had to sell eveything, which results in nothing in the way of crafting mats. It is only on a rare occasion that anything above epic drops for me, which could result in a minor profit. I am a little bemused as to how players have already obtained the likes of 50-100g (if not a lot more). i have yet to use the gem system (wife wont let me lol) to obtain gold through that route, however, my understanding is that it only gives a max of 8-9 gold in return for 40 odd quid which in itself is quiet hypercritical.

Although i do not condone and dispise money buyers, i am starting to understand why they do it. Please Anet, do somthing about this currency / economy situation.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

(edited by Azzrael Deathbane.4965)

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.3845

Natsu Dragneel.3845

Totally agree! Anet doenst want us to farm and grind in dungeons and such, but you cant make very much money by just do events or so. It would be nice if selling items at vendors could bring us like 50% more money. Or give more money reward for completing areas, clearing dungeons, events. Im level 80 for a week or 2 and I have like 5 gold.. I’m so poor

When I look at the prices for cultural armor(full set is 80 gold?) its impossible for me to even think about getting a full set. Same with karma(off topic, I know), with 120 karma as reward for a simple event, its gonna take a very, very long time if you want the full set. Please Anet, do something about this.

Level 80 Guardian | Main
Shattered Souls |
Ring of Fire

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arterus.8163


I add agreement here too. I dont mind grind if i’m honest, it feels like I have achieved something when I finally get what I want but the game as it stands will not allow the accumulation of money.

Lets not forget here that we are mainly talking about the less than average, average and slightly better than average population here, a MASSIVE section of your player base.

Please remember ANet that we as players want to be able to experience all the game offers, and at the current price and money sink situation of this game we will never be able to.
Well, lets not say ‘never’ because sure we could if we spent months and months working on just these things alone! Please remember that we don’t want to ‘grind’ like that and many people will turn to the gold sellers in order to get what they want. (I don’t include myself in that, I think they are a virus that needs to be stamped out but others will use their services making them more determined to restart new accounts and continue to ply their disgusting trade!)

We don’t mind ‘working’ for our epic gear, that’s part of the fun. And sure we understand that you cant keep all the people happy all of the time. But this situation needs to be addressed or you will loose people!
We need an incentive to log in and work on something, and if that goal is completely out of reach to everyone but the hardcore, then folk won’t log in!

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


lvl 80 here and 25 silver.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


Agree very much here, it’s a shame Arenanet tries to milk us so agressively, although we spent 50€ for the game already.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

You get a ridiculous amount for completing the high level zones. Just from completing Cursed Shores, you can get like 7 gold in Exotics, crafting supplies and the cash reward.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pennry.9215


Serious Question: Once you have all this Gold and get all the gear, etc you want, what do you plan on doing in the game?

Snip long rant about making money in game.

Stop porting/training around everywhere. Take a few minutes to kill stuff. Stick around and do events and/or complete Hearts. Money is everywhere.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


There is no problem in this game when it comes to giving yourself a stable ecconomy.

15-30 minutes a day is enough to give you 2.50-3g with litte effort, this is by just mining 10 simple nodes in Orr. Add some kills on that, some trees, some mithril and you get maybe 5g for very little work, its usually how I start my day before doing other things.

There is also no good way to “play the trading post market”. The TP doesnt work like an AH, you risk alot by putting stuff up here, because the game always picks the lowest price that is up. I’m still not sure people understand the concept of highest buyer and lowest seller. If I wanna make fast and good money (on most items) I sell to the highest buyer and get payed on the spot. If the current buyers are too low for my taste I can bank my things or put it up for sale, but doing so might rob me of my listing cost.

Getting a full set of exotics should take you maybe 10 trips of farming nodes after hitting 80 if even that. Depending on how much you play those trips can take you anywhere from 5-10 days or less if you play 15+ hours a day.

And regarding what to do after you get all exotic gear? WvW, BGs for fun, dungeons for fun, farming gold to get a the next expansion for free (probably), level an alt or maybe level all crafting skills. There are endless things to do.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Run dungeons buddy. Trust me. I had the same problem until I ran a few dungeons.
From looting alone, you receive:
Coin(Id guess at least a few silver it would add up to)
Junk(like white and blue gear to vendor. This probably would add up to 10-12 silver)
Bags(with crafting materials and more coin)

At the end of the dungeon, get rewarded handsomely. For twilight arbot exp, which can be cleared in 30-40 minuntes, its 26 silver. Add that onto everything you just vendored, youre looking at probably 40-50 silver for one run, plus badges and all the loot.

I started running dungeons a week or so ago, I went from 3 gold to almost 20.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


@SneakyErvin (since the quoting system is currently broken). A player should not have to go farm 30 minutes in Orr a day for 2.5-3g. Also I don’t believe your 2.5g from farming Orr considers travel and repair cost for farming (and your estimate is very liberal I might add, a more conservative and accurate number for selling all mats/loot on one of these runs would be ~1.5g). Given you can farm Orr in this manor but you forgot to calculate in waypoint travel cost to get to Orr (unless you want to pay the 2.5s be prepared to spend 15 minutes getting to Orr from nearest free travel major city (15 minutes assuming you have Swiftness boons up). Then you forgot to subtract the cost of armor repair. If you’re a horrible player you’ll go down all the time. If you good you can expect to drop at least a few times and damage a piece or two, 6-10s in repairs is a conservative number.

My only issue with the system you propose is

  • You forgot to mention the hidden cost in armor repair travel
  • Your numbers while in the ballpark are a bit off in my experience
  • This system doesn’t encourage people to play together. 30 minutes a day just to farm for items to sell for gold in the most difficult zones on the map just so you have a little extra money to occasionally go play with friends? It’s a broken system and perhaps the worst grind scenario I’ve seen in a game that has been so adamant about being the anti-grind MMO. Forget farming for an exotic set, I’m just talking about having to do this to sustain in this game.

I can tell by the other responders I am not alone in my experience. If this is working for you great. If you’re in disagreement perhaps you can elaborate on your strategy?

BTW The trading post can absolutely be worked. It’s a very, very painful process going through items, calculating cost of mats vs returns over time. It’s something only a mathematician or economist would find fun. It would be great if the “playing the TP” approach yielded excellent returns, but as it is now this approach is required for people to just get by. The games economy seems to mimic too closely a real economy. The problem with this is the amount of time someone spends in the real world. This is a game that should put fun and focus on encouraging people to play together over an economy modeled on proven principles of real-world economies.

It seems to be when you have an economist on board that would be their task, to separate their text book and historical knowledge of how real world economies work (to be fair real world economies are heavily market focused).

If you were to model a real world economy in game you would create “work” scenarios which is exactly what we have now. I sign-in and in order to make enough money to keep playing the game I have to go to Orr do some unpleasant grind to get the money and I must do as part of a routine to sustain. If you model a real-world economy in game (and I think they have tried to do that) you end up with this. It’s very bad.

it’s not working and I hope ArenaNet sees the responses in this thread and realizes something must change.

(edited by SamTheGuardian.2938)

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Truga.5897


Hello OP. Have you ever tried selling any of your loot?

I find that I make roughly 1 gold per full inventory (and I only have 12 slot bags), which happens quite fast when actively playing. 1 gold is more or less enough for teleporting left and right all day unless you’re on SSD, and enough to repair several sets of armour.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tsuki.4013


I do not get the OP and others that agree with him. How do you have money problems at lvl 80. Waypoint teleportation is cheap, repairs are cheap. Compared that even if you go into lowlvl zones to do map completion you still earn 1-2g just from running hears, events, and selling loot. if you go into Orr lvl 80 zones is just as SneakyErvin.3056 said. You get 3g in few minutes. I don’t even bother walking around much and use waypoints extensively. I do agree that geting 100g is not an easy task, and it should not be. I mean 100g is ALOT. 100g you can probably buy most if not all the best gear you need. Excluding the legendary, dungeon and cultural armors which are only aesthetics anyway.
I am 80 for about a week. I am currently sitting at about 13g, have not TPed a single rare lvl63+ and I am not selling the crafting materials. I maxed artificery in which i have put some gold and bought the full MF gear (which i think i used about 4g), and even bought gems with gold for bank expansion. I play about an hour a day. but i mostly do low level zones. The time I have spent in Orr is about 2-3 hours total, just to farm a bit of karma for the a piece of 42k gear.

Daily chest events:
All is vain

(edited by Tsuki.4013)

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

This is by design guys.

The MMO revenue model is moving away from fixed subscription costs to the “gemstore” model. This way they can make as much money from you as you are willing to spend.

I don’t really have a problem with this. It’s just how shareholders think. I do have a problem when it severely discourages teamplay and cooperation as it does now.

Eventually it will just lead to people not logging in anymore.

This is quite correct. What I dislike the most is the hypocrisy of it all. ‘RMT is bad. Here, buy some gold from us, instead.’

Greed is the death of all F2P models…

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Truga.5897


If you need to buy gold with gems rather than gems with gold, you’re doing something wrong.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tsuki.4013


Oh I just remembered that there are ways of wasting money pointlessly, which might lead to an erroneous belief that you cannot earn gold at lvl 80. Sell the loot to whichever earns you more gold, TP or npc. And care when using TP as most of the lowest sell price net you less than selling to a npc!
If you are hoarding all the loot for whatever reason, keep in mind that that is gold sitting in your bank/inventory……

Daily chest events:
All is vain

(edited by Tsuki.4013)

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: morrigana sedai.2091

morrigana sedai.2091

tbh the max gold i had was about 6 gold and i don’t mind about that. It keeps me from shortcutting gear by buying it form TP. Also it makes me see way more of the beatifull world of tyria, since i don’t have tons of gold and fasttraveling takes quite some silver i just try to avoid it just as much as posseble and because of that i did find lots of intrest things. Beside if you useing the right asura gates you can cover huge parst of the world with a kind of fasttraval so the distance you actuauly have to walk are way smaller. I mean with the gates i know know i can get to the headquarters of all orders, straits of devastions and all majors citys. Combining that with the mists i have a fast way to LA. Ending up with quite some fasttravel without the spending gold on it. I just have to walk some more to get to the locatian i actualy want to go, but that makes me see tyria

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


15-30 minutes a day is enough to give you 2.50-3g with litte effort, this is by just mining 10 simple nodes in Orr.

I`d love to know what server you are on that you are getting so rich doing this with. Mithril is only fetching 20 copper a shot and ori is only getting 2-3 silver a shot on anvil rock. The woods are getting the same prices too. Nobody wants cooking mats unless they are the omnomberries and they are only fetching 1.5 silver a shot. You would need to be farming alot more then 30 minutes to get enough mats together to make 2-3 gold.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Truga.5897


There is no “server” with gold, trading post is global.

Also, why are you mining mithril in orr, you should be looking for orihalcon, omnomberries and other tier 6 materials.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tsuki.4013


Oh and did I mention MF gear? and omnom barrs? Maybe is that what is making so much gold doing normal map roaming….

Daily chest events:
All is vain

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


There is no “server” with gold, trading post is global.

Also, why are you mining mithril in orr, you should be looking for orihalcon, omnomberries and other tier 6 materials.

Because the tier 6 nodes are few and far between. Mithril and elder wood is everywhere you look, why not take it if it`s there.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rokar.3175


Serious Question: Once you have all this Gold and get all the gear, etc you want, what do you plan on doing in the game?

Snip long rant about making money in game.

Stop porting/training around everywhere. Take a few minutes to kill stuff. Stick around and do events and/or complete Hearts. Money is everywhere.

I Agree with the whole Traveling costing way to much. However I do understand you need a tax if you will on the game to make sure your economy stays stong. Armor repairs cost an arm and a leg as it is. We are the forerunners on this level trying to figure out the builds, skills and balanced hero’s to run them successfully. So this is a given tax.

And for the Traveling… I think making Traveling a flat tax or free for that matter would be a great idea…

Penny as for running around doing missions hearts ect… I am 98% world complete I have full exotic armor and weapons on my level 80 ranger. I have only 2 more story line missions to do and a handful of hearts/skill points/vistas to complete and then i have no way to make money in the game other then grinding out what i have already done. and since you make no money in dungeons. I will be forced to roll a new toon just to make more money cause i am not good at the market.

So maybe the solution is or a benefit for 100% world completion, 100% Story line could be free map travel… I’m just saying.

Ranger Maulgor

Ranger Maulgor
Level 80 100 precenter
Oldschoolgw [OSGW]

(edited by Rokar.3175)

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“So maybe the solution is or a benefit for 100% world completion, 100% Story line could be free map travel… I’m just saying”

Too detrimental to casuals who are the people who are hit the hardest by this. Honestly, just get rid of the waypoint fees. Either everyone knows a way around it, or people do not use it. It’s frustrating, annoying and mostly stupid of a tax that prevent players having fun.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tsuki.4013


Penny as for running around doing missions hearts ect… I am 98% world complete I have full exotic armor and weapons on my level 80 ranger.

What do you need the gold for than? You got your full exotic set, you almost finished map completition and story.
– You can earn enough for repairs in WvW so you mostly don’t need to grind PvE to fuel WvW.
- If you are losing more money in dungeons than making it, you are doing something wrong.

Maybe you want some really expensive stuff that looks cool but not really much of a stat improvement… well that stuff is ment to take a while to get it and it requires I gues a fair amount of so called “grind”.

Daily chest events:
All is vain

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: vvp.8512


Sell everything you pick up. Even the “scavenge” items.

Plainview (80 Engineer) SoR

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


I do not get the OP and others that agree with him. How do you have money problems at lvl 80. Waypoint teleportation is cheap, repairs are cheap. Compared that even if you go into lowlvl zones to do map completion you still earn 1-2g just from running hears, events, and selling loot. if you go into Orr lvl 80 zones is just as SneakyErvin.3056 said. You get 3g in few minutes. I don’t even bother walking around much and use waypoints extensively. I do agree that geting 100g is not an easy task, and it should not be. I mean 100g is ALOT. 100g you can probably buy most if not all the best gear you need. Excluding the legendary, dungeon and cultural armors which are only aesthetics anyway.
I am 80 for about a week. I am currently sitting at about 13g, have not TPed a single rare lvl63+ and I am not selling the crafting materials. I maxed artificery in which i have put some gold and bought the full MF gear (which i think i used about 4g), and even bought gems with gold for bank expansion. I play about an hour a day. but i mostly do low level zones. The time I have spent in Orr is about 2-3 hours total, just to farm a bit of karma for the a piece of 42k gear.

You do earn that by doing map completion. My OP was referring to the point after you have cleared zones. The point where you want to take your level 80 and help others at lower level out. Your run though a zone you’ve done all hearts for and you just get 1-2s per 10-15 minutes of effort from events. The loot you get (mostly whites and blues) can sell for 20-30b each, if you’re lucky they may bring you a silver. A few hours of play and your left with maybe 10s in rewards from loot and events and you’ve hopped around a bit so you’ve spent 2-3s on way point travel.

If you want to run a dungeon you’d have to work an hour in game grinding events just to have some money in savings for armor repairs.

If you’re level 80 and have plenty of gold my guess is you either just completed all hearts or you still have some left to do and you’re still the pattern of using zone clear as a way to make some cash. My post is concerning the point you get to after that, once that source has dried up.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rokar.3175


What do you need the gold for than? You got your full exotic set, you almost finished map completition and story.
– You can earn enough for repairs in WvW so you mostly don’t need to grind PvE to fuel WvW.
- If you are losing more money in dungeons than making it, you are doing something wrong.

Well i would like to save up for a squad commander manual yet that is 100g and also want to work on legendary weapons. That again is like 120g each how can i get money saved up when i have to pay so much each repair. one good repair is like 10s for me easy that isnt even broken. And trust me i do map travel as little as possible. Of course I am making money now with selling small things and doing hearts but i have to say, i have 7 gold saved up in the back since i am trying to make the golden title. I am just looking to the future when i am 100% and have to farm orr to hopefully gain rare/exotic drops since i need to bank all my high end wood and orr for legendary…. doesn’t leave much to sell so how will i make the gold to get items later when i am constantly diminished

and why wont my signature work lol i have tryed both html and bbs

Ranger Maulgor
Level 80 100 precenter
Oldschoolgw [OSGW]

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

i dont think the market is doing its job.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: DethLocke.6170


I certainly support a cap of 1s for travel.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esha.1842


I agree with the OP, and especially after his further clarification. I’ve been 80 for 2 weeks now, and blew a good portion of gold on crafting materials to craft myself full exotic weapons and armor. Two nights ago I finished 100% of the tasks in the world, and I’m sitting on 4g after everything. The raw materials (ancient & Orich…) were the cheapest things I bought making those items. Really cheap. I’m better off taking 1 hour to farm the tier 6 bloods and sell exotic gear to the highest bidder on the TP.

I saw someone (in another thread on the same topic & mounts) say something: “You’re just too lazy to run to where you want to go.” Laziness has zero to do with it. I have a life. I turn off the computer, socialize with my real friends, take a woman out… oh… and that 40+ hour a week career. The 2-3 hours I have free to play this game a day… I don’t want to spend 30 – 60 min running across the world. And when it costs up to 5s to teleport across that map…. it adds up fast. I wouldn’t mind one suggestion I saw about making it free to teleport to major cities/towns. I wouldn’t mind porting to those and run from there. I’m capable of compromise….

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: ulukaiulukai.2584


Porting to Lion’s Arch, all the capitals, and even Fort Trinity is free.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esha.1842


“Porting to Lion’s Arch, all the capitals, and even Fort Trinity is free.”

Not on my server. My level 8 charr is outside the Black Citadel right now, and he’s gotta pay 7 copper to telelport back in.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I don’t sell any crafting materials on the TP, I salvage all white loot items, I vender all blue items, I TP any green or higher quality that will net a significant higher value than selling to the vender, I do most events I run into, I do all heart quests for the zones that the personal story takes me. So I have completed 4 zones in total and reached level 40 content. I have gained in total well over 5 or 6 gold from just that. That total includes coin spent on waypoints and repairs. My character is an elementalist. I could have made a lot more doing things to generate more income but have had no reason to because I have had no significant need for the coin. I don’t use waypoints like crazy so perhaps that is a big difference. I see them as the lazy way around the game and only use them for travel farther than one zone away. The early levels coin was tight but after level 30 it was a significant boost. In fact I dare say that one could easily make at least 1 gold an hour if determined to make coin. You also have to keep in mind exotics are GW2s version of 15k armor more or less. And remember back then they said those were intended to be long term goals (like meant to take months to earn). Their way of providing something to earn for people who want to (or need a reason) to continue playing at the end of the current content.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Who knows…it is all about money any how.

Maybe they will make a Port Pass you can buy for $10.
Get unlimited tepeorts for a whole 30 days.
ROFLAMO… sorry had to say it. Seems kind of funny and something a company would do. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


As nice as I can say it but there is a lot of stupid in this thread, and some reasonable but not by a lot. Money is easy to make in this, yes it may not feel like you are making a lot at times but it does add up. Some days are better than others, not much you can do about that. Not everyone has 15+ hours to play a day btw and if you want full exotics and everything at the max then wait, play and work your way there like everyone else. The game does not require you to buy gold or use the gemstore, it is there if you want to use it, it is optional. There is no monthly fees, you don’t have to pay them a single cent after you pay for the game if you don’t want to. You make money in this game easy enough, if you don’t have time to run and farm some mats for 30 minutes to gain a little cash then you can’t complain, the people making cash are the ones putting in the effort and work. You can’t have it all and especially not for free. Discounted travel? Free travel? You crazy, the game needs you to spend cash to make you earn cash to make you play the game. They won’t lower the cost especially won’t remove it. Plenty of other games incur a travel cost but not just games; I offer you to try order a cab and demand they do it for free because you don’t have enough, see where it gets you.

I can’t read anymore on this topic, if you want cash then go earn it.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ten.8421


“Porting to Lion’s Arch, all the capitals, and even Fort Trinity is free.”

Not on my server. My level 8 charr is outside the Black Citadel right now, and he’s gotta pay 7 copper to telelport back in.

They are referring to the fact that you can, for free, pop into the Heart of the Mists (through your PvP interface), which has a gate to Lion’s Arch. Which in turn has gates to all major cities.
It’s a few more loading screens, but it’s well worth the saved silver sometimes.

Gamut Gaming Group [GGG], an inclusive non-oppression, non-prejudice, non-normativity group.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I loot everything, use karma points for salvage kits and sell and tear everything apart.

I waste nothing because it all adds up. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: nickdiaz.7591


Porting is a major gold sink for the game, without the porting fee, the GW2 economy will become inflated.

Nicko The Blessed | Human Nobleman Gaurdian

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Also please change it so all crafting supply NPCs sell their goods for Karma. Karma is a currency in game that doesn’t get enough attention. It really was a great idea to allow players to buy gathering tools and salvage kits with it. We need this back.

Just fyi, you’re going to need all the karma you can get if you plan to get legendary gear because from the sound of it, you won’t be able to purchase one with gold ^^ As for wp costs, I don’t have too much issue with them however teleporting 5 or 20 ft away when im dead to a wp costs me about 1.3-1.5 silver. THAT is not fair. I accept defeat with armour repairs and retracking my steps but spending ~1.4 silver to get back up? My advice for free traveling outside of being dead, utilize Pvp maps to get to La and then use the asura gates to get to closests city, then to closest wp in that city cuz its free, and then teleport. I havn’t spent more than 2.4 silver on far travels just because of this^^

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


It does seem odd that I made more gold in WvW than I did when playing in the PvE zones (and my map is at 93% and growing so I do play PvE too). However, I think with the patch coming on Monday we will hopefully see an increase is loot drops. I’m crossing my fingers.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


If you over-aggro, you are gonna die quick in Orr. If you are alone, go a little bit at a time. Running through it is a death sentence.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sidu.9708


what the hell no gold on 80 lvl? than you must be a terrible player!! You go make dungeon and after 1 run you’ve got like 40 silver more!! Or go WvW and it’s good silver farm also… the hell

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I honestly don’t have any money problems, mind you I don’t have money but that’s just because I tend to swap all my gold for gems. Mind you I don’t use waypoints (well except the mist→lionsarch shortcut) and I mostly use karma and dropped items and I rarely ever buy materials form the auction house. Also for a while I was making some decent coin on mining mats, remember mining doesn’t have a DR on it.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Velg.3170


Playing only shortly, a few level away from 80, I still don’t have any money problems. But waypoint costs already made me feel uncomfortable about e.g. helping my friends in the beginners’ zones. It downscales me, so I can go down as fast any beginner… all that while I:

- have to pay much more for waypointing;
- have to pay much more for repair;
- don’t have any really chance to get any recompensate from e.g. events;

To make long story short – I think that waypoints should at least be made dependent on the area’s level. Otherwise, it will discourage players from visiting lower level zones & destroy point of downscaling… making endgame even more boring.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


This is by design guys.

The MMO revenue model is moving away from fixed subscription costs to the “gemstore” model. This way they can make as much money from you as you are willing to spend.

I don’t really have a problem with this. It’s just how shareholders think. I do have a problem when it severely discourages teamplay and cooperation as it does now.

Eventually it will just lead to people not logging in anymore.

Lets add on to this

“Eventually it will just lead to people not logging in anymore, or buying any expansions because it will be more of the same….frustrating”

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


Serious Question: Once you have all this Gold and get all the gear, etc you want, what do you plan on doing in the game?

Snip long rant about making money in game.

Stop porting/training around everywhere. Take a few minutes to kill stuff. Stick around and do events and/or complete Hearts. Money is everywhere.

Oh? Where are these hearts in Orr? I can’t seem to locate any….. How come after doing 4 events in a chain I’m suddenly getting only a few copper and 9 karma in Orr? How do I redo the hearts in Frostgorge sound now that I’ve done them and used the 30ish silver i got?