Notes/Goals of The Day

Notes/Goals of The Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wooboost.8527


Not sure if this has been suggested didn’t look but just thought of this.

Since the game seems to lack grouping for anything other than dungeons and karma farming orr, I think it would be nice to have a notes tab for all players where they can put in a couple lines of what there goals for the day are. For example, listing the dungeon paths they would like to run, the map zones they would like to complete, DE to farm, material farming, wvw grouping, and spvp tournaments. With this, people could look in there friends list, click on there friends notes tab and see what there GoTD are and then invite them for grouping.

Also a personal notes tab would be awesome for storing game information like item links, recipes, dragon waypoints, and other important waypoints.

Sorry if this has been suggested.

Notes/Goals of The Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If they ever have time to work in the LFG tool, this would be rather nice.

You set yourself as ‘LFG’ and chose from a certain listing divided in sections what you want to do. From a heart to a personal story, from a dungeon to a mere ‘kill skales’.
Then people can see in LFG panel a list of people and what they are planning to do and search both by names and by taks.

No exceptions!

Notes/Goals of The Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I suggested something similar for the Contacts List, but I like your idea as well!

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Notes/Goals of The Day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wooboost.8527


Yes @Mithran, that would be even better having sections, I was thinking a low character notes tab would be easier and faster for them to input.