Official Dragon Timers

Official Dragon Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Otto The Orange.1824

Otto The Orange.1824

Since the community has figured out the spawn schedule for the “big 3” dragons (Claw of Jormag, Shatterer, Tequatl the Sunless) with multiple sources available both in-game and out to find the state of the schedules at a given time, could we get official timers in game? For example, one could type /shatterer into the chat box and get the time until the pre-events are up or /tequatl to get the time until the beginning of his spawn window.

In-game timers wouldn’t eliminate the waiting around completely as the spawn window would still exist (and events that need to be completed), however, it would free up a little time for many players to spend doing WvWvW, dungeons, crafting, or whatever else they desire.

Official Dragon Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bvhjdbvkjf.1987


Just how hard is checking outside sources for information?

Having accomplished something (such as learning the pattern to the event spawns) doesn’t exactly entitle you to be rewarded with no effort from then on. Updating and checking websites is certainly easy enough that I would rather them spend time fixing bugs than work on this suggestion.

Official Dragon Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Here’s my suggestion (since we’re talking about dragons and i don’t want to make a thread). Dragons spawn once a day, all have official timers and chest,,,,,,,that chest drops good stuff and not blues/greens no1 gives a **** about. That way no1 will miss the event, it’ll be done with tones of people (i three man’ed Shatter a week ago cuz no1 was around and that took a century) and we will be getting loot worth our time. Why anet do not compute this? I do not compute why they don’t compute!!!!!

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Official Dragon Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: YaHiKoDrG.3467


I can see it is as one thing to ask for a in game source for a LFG tool, but the timers are fan driven, meaning it is up to the players to keep them up to date and the same players can also screw with the timers. I dunno my point is the dragon timers don’t belong inside the game

Official Dragon Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: YaHiKoDrG.3467


Here’s my suggestion (since we’re talking about dragons and i don’t want to make a thread). Dragons spawn once a day, all have official timers and chest,,,,,,,that chest drops good stuff and not blues/greens no1 gives a **** about. That way no1 will miss the event, it’ll be done with tones of people (i three man’ed Shatter a week ago cuz no1 was around and that took a century) and we will be getting loot worth our time. Why anet do not compute this? I do not compute why they don’t compute!!!!!

I would say put them on a 21hr respawn that way it would rotate though out the time of day it would spawn so everyone would eventually be able to be there and kill it if they decided to kill it

Official Dragon Timers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Otto The Orange.1824

Otto The Orange.1824

The point wasn’t that it’s hard to check outside sources, it’s that the spawn schedule is not truly random (since the windows for Teq and Claw and the pre-events for Shatterer start at regular intervals) nor is it in any way a mystery. So why not have an in-game timer? The timer itself already exists (else the dragons wouldn’t spawn the way they do), so I can’t imagine it would be terribly difficult to create a command for each dragon that reads the appropriate existing timer?