So as a player of many alts (one of each profession), I really enjoy playing my characters at 80.
What I don’t like however is the levelling process.
Unlike GW1 Prophecies, you can’t properly learn your class until you have access to all 70 trait points in GW2. Certain functionalities are effectively locked of until you have enough trait points.
So how about you guys at ArenaNet steal an idea from other MMOs out there and implement an offline levelling system?
The idea is that every 2 days, you get a free level to spend on any one of your characters above level 30.
This helps people get to the level cap faster and encourages playing with other classes.
As players get more and easier access to other classes, they learn how to play them.
If they learn how to play them, they’re less likely to decry certain classes as being overpowered.
This is the problem you have created for yourselves in making levelling of a character too long.
Players are less likely to experiment with other classes as it takes too long to get to the fun stuff. The fun stuff really does start at 80, no matter what the nay-sayers say.
If you’d kept the level 20 cap and decreased the amount of time it took to level, you’d find balance messages posted in the community to be a lot more useful.
Oh, and from observation, to expand on an idea touched on above:
Players familiar with a class will always say it’s underpowered.
Players unfamiliar with a class will always say it’s overpowered.
Players familiar with all classes are more likely to see the overall balance.
Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.