On/Off switch for level scaling.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


I don’t like the game adjusting my level for me. When I want to open the map or gather with my level 80, I don’t want to have to fight lower levels. There’s no reward for it.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


That would take every ounce of challenge of getting the 100% world map achievement. Why would Anet do that? o.O /crazy

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


not to mention the abuse of people just one hitting everything in lower levels.

i enjoy that it is always a challange were ever i go. yes it gets easier the better my gear but i can’t just go autopilot.

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawken.7932


I don’t like the game adjusting my level for me. When I want to open the map or gather with my level 80, I don’t want to have to fight lower levels. There’s no reward for it.

Yeah… no. The entire game is built around this concept, that would make absolutely no sense.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


not to mention the abuse of people just one hitting everything in lower levels.

i enjoy that it is always a challange were ever i go. yes it gets easier the better my gear but i can’t just go autopilot.

There’s no reward for killing lower creatures. Your concerns could easilly be addressed by making creatures vastly lower in level drop no loot or XP.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


i dunno i get xp and gear for my real level anywhere i go, i dont get how there is no reward

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarque Sinister.9032

Tarque Sinister.9032

Yeah, I’m tired of people complaining about this feature. The goal in this feature is to maintain competitive play. They don’t want to level 80 one shotting bosses in a lvl 15 areas. It ultimately ruins the fun for others. One thing I would like, however, is for them to scale the drops (I’m pretty sure they don’t do this).

Server: Anvil Rock
Main Character: Lugg Knut (Charr/Engineer)
Guild: Bed Intruders [HIDE]

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


some things scale others are tied to the zone level. haven’t completely sorted out whats what, i know story is level bound. but most bosses i have found scale the gear unless its a unique skin

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koolthulu.9682


No, the system is fine the way it is. Hopefully this becomes the new standard in MMORPGs. No more max level idiots going around killing everything in the zone. And yes it happens even if they don’t get any loot/XP from it.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Yeah, I’m tired of people complaining about this feature. The goal in this feature is to maintain competitive play. They don’t want to level 80 one shotting bosses in a lvl 15 areas. It ultimately ruins the fun for others. One thing I would like, however, is for them to scale the drops (I’m pretty sure they don’t do this).

Really you make my point for me because firstly they don’t scale the drops. a level 10 drops level 10 armor, etc. Secondly they don’t scale XP, or not nearly enough. When I want XP its more prudent to go to an area that you are 3-5 levels under. Its a waste of time leveling by killing lower levels

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorati.7361


Really you make my point for me because firstly they don’t scale the drops. a level 10 drops level 10 armor, etc. Secondly they don’t scale XP, or not nearly enough. When I want XP its more prudent to go to an area that you are 3-5 levels under. Its a waste of time leveling by killing lower levels

…Then go to a higher level area and level there? The real reason you’re making this suggestion is because you don’t want to take the time to kill things to get to gathering nodes. It has nothing to do with leveling, so don’t try and rebrand it to that.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Really you make my point for me because firstly they don’t scale the drops. a level 10 drops level 10 armor, etc. Secondly they don’t scale XP, or not nearly enough. When I want XP its more prudent to go to an area that you are 3-5 levels under. Its a waste of time leveling by killing lower levels

…Then go to a higher level area and level there? The real reason you’re making this suggestion is because you don’t want to take the time to kill things to get to gathering nodes. It has nothing to do with leveling, so don’t try and rebrand it to that.

That’s not entirely untrue. Why should I fight level 5’s when i want to collect say copper? That part is true for sure. Still, why would I want to fight a level 5 the drops aren’t scaled to my level and the exp is almost non existent?

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Really you make my point for me because firstly they don’t scale the drops. a level 10 drops level 10 armor, etc. Secondly they don’t scale XP, or not nearly enough. When I want XP its more prudent to go to an area that you are 3-5 levels under. Its a waste of time leveling by killing lower levels

…Then go to a higher level area and level there? The real reason you’re making this suggestion is because you don’t want to take the time to kill things to get to gathering nodes. It has nothing to do with leveling, so don’t try and rebrand it to that.

That’s not entirely untrue. Why should I fight level 5’s when i want to collect say copper? That part is true for sure. Still, why would I want to fight a level 5 the drops aren’t scaled to my level and the exp is almost non existent?

Because you are not a unique and special snowflake? If a level 5 has to go through the same mobs to get the same copper, why shouldn’t everyone else?

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Really you make my point for me because firstly they don’t scale the drops. a level 10 drops level 10 armor, etc. Secondly they don’t scale XP, or not nearly enough. When I want XP its more prudent to go to an area that you are 3-5 levels under. Its a waste of time leveling by killing lower levels

…Then go to a higher level area and level there? The real reason you’re making this suggestion is because you don’t want to take the time to kill things to get to gathering nodes. It has nothing to do with leveling, so don’t try and rebrand it to that.

That’s not entirely untrue. Why should I fight level 5’s when i want to collect say copper? That part is true for sure. Still, why would I want to fight a level 5 the drops aren’t scaled to my level and the exp is almost non existent?

Because you are not a unique and special snowflake? If a level 5 has to go through the same mobs to get the same copper, why shouldn’t everyone else?

They should go through it at level 5. I did. I have a level 5 alt and I am doing it again with him too. It gives XP and its par for the course. That is fine. I don’t want to do it with my 80. What’s the problem? Its not like I’d have an advatage over everyone else. The game would be uniform for all.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Except being 80, even downscaled, you already do have an advantage in the quality of gear, traits and skills available.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rolo.9248


Though down-levelling does prevent much grief and it isn’t bad like EQ2’s mentoring system, it is still OP: the traits, skills are still there and it is area level+1 (why!?).

It is something that should be in MMOs all around (or get rid of levelling all together).

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
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When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Except being 80, even downscaled, you already do have an advantage in the quality of gear, traits and skills available.

I think you and I are just going to have to agree to disagree. Yes, You have an armor advantage. I don’t want an advantage here. I don’t want to engage them in the first place. I want to leave them alone and fight my own level.

My suggestion is legitimate. If you like being scaled fine. I don’t and I want an option here.

Moreover, there have been areas in personal stories where the scaling was done improperly. In a different game you could level up and adjust. This was a huge problem in the personal story “forging the pact” (still is) You can search the threads if you don’t believe me.

(edited by SHM.7628)

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Except it’s not something that is going to be implemented as a toggled option. It’s either all or none. What would be the point in it being an optional feature?

ps. trying to sate a discussion and then calling someone a “fanboi” is a bit hypocritical.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CoRtex.2157


this post >_<

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


Except it’s not something that is going to be implemented as a toggled option. It’s either all or none. What would be the point in it being an optional feature?

ps. trying to sate a discussion and then calling someone a “fanboi” is a bit hypocritical.

I’ve read your other posts too, you just seem to be arguing for the sake of defending GW2. I’ve removed the fanboi comment, since you seem to have taken exception to it.

Why wouldn’t a toggle feature work? Why is it all or nothing? It’s not your call to make anyway. The point of it being optional would be that for those who enjoy it as is = they can have it. If you don’t like it.then shut it off.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Except it’s not something that is going to be implemented as a toggled option. It’s either all or none. What would be the point in it being an optional feature?

ps. trying to sate a discussion and then calling someone a “fanboi” is a bit hypocritical.

I’ve read your other posts too, you just seem to be arguing for the sake of defending GW2. I’ve removed the fanboi comment, since you seem to have taken exception to it.

Why wouldn’t a toggle feature work? Why is it all or nothing? It’s not your call to make anyway. The point of it being optional would be that for those who enjoy it as is = they can have it. If you don’t like it.then shut it off.

We are going to have to just agree to disagree then because if you can’t see the inherent problem with having a toggle option for level downscaling, given all the reasons given as to why it exists in the first place, then there really is no room for discussion.

This is just flat out a poor suggestion and obviously not thought out at all.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


I’m fairly sure that the only way ANet would implement this would be if the feature then prevented you from attacking creatures, too, since it would be such an easily exploitable benefit.

While SHM might find this useful, I’m not sure whether or not ANet would want to devote resources to implementing such a feature. Obviously only they can make the call as to whether or not it’s worth dev man hours to put in.

It would give an unfair advantage to people who harvest from nodes, and tailors and leatherworkers already have a hard enough time trying to find materials from mob farming.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


It would give an unfair advantage to people who harvest from nodes, and tailors and leatherworkers already have a hard enough time trying to find materials from mob farming.

It won’t be long until everyone has a max level character. Your banks are shared with all your characters. It would be uniform for all. You’d be able to farm up those materials more easilly too. If you didn’t want to do that then you could buy them for a reasonable price at the broker. It’s win-win.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: praeclarus.6321


I’m fairly sure that the only way ANet would implement this would be if the feature then prevented you from attacking creatures, too, since it would be such an easily exploitable benefit.

It would give an unfair advantage to people who harvest from nodes, and tailors and leatherworkers already have a hard enough time trying to find materials from mob farming.

I agree, it’d have to disable attacking AND farming nodes, or else you just run around getting whatever you want. I do find the slowdown from combat very annoying, but I can’t just imagine letting someone walk through a zone.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siphor.1653


Everyone hates you and your idea. =)

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


LOL… Ouch. Cold, man

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Half Tooth.1867

Half Tooth.1867

I thought about this feature when I played the betas. And I thought the only way to impliment it into the game would be for it to work on a radius, so as long as there are no other players within a certain radius your level is unaffected, but as soon as another player entered the radius you’d be downscaled again.

I thought this would be a good idea since it allows players to enjoy the pleasure of crushing things and feeling powerful. I mean it is a nice feeling when you’re a higher level than you’re supposed to be and you return to an enemy that gave you loads of hassle and finally pay them back.
In a slightly less sadistic manner, it would be helpful for when you find yourself in an event by yourself that you really want to complete but can’t because eithere, there’s no one else around, or no one else will help you.

I thought the radius system would also be a good idea because you wouldn’t affect another players game. As soon as there is another player in your radius you get downleveled again.

Futhermore, this feature would be automatically turned off, but would be changable somewhere in the options menu, not on the hud. And possibly there would be a further level cap, so you can still be no more than 20 levels higher or something.

This could be an option for personal story quests as well, since the general approach to a difficult mission is to go level up and then return to it.

All of this needs some tweaking, but those are my thoughts.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cancer.9065


Sorry SHM this is just not an option.

If you dont want to fight level 5 mobs then dont. Fight level 80, get the silver and buy the mats from the TP.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


Radius idea’s actually not a bad one.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Logan.1458


I don’t like the game adjusting my level for me. When I want to open the map or gather with my level 80, I don’t want to have to fight lower levels. There’s no reward for it.

Drops do scale to your level but as a level 80 in a level 5 zone…..The frequency of these drop are not as often as per say a level 80 zone.

What i’m hearing is the player adjusting to the new system. All past MMOs had no down leveling/kickback so players are use to what they know. Its a comfort thing.

There is always a transition phase of fighting a new mechanic.

You might decide later to like the down leveling since you will have content to visit and not be one killing mobs with one shot. There are new dynamic events you will come across which if it didn’t downscale you you would simply one shot this new dynamic boss in the level 5 zone. And is that fun?

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Really you make my point for me because firstly they don’t scale the drops. a level 10 drops level 10 armor, etc. Secondly they don’t scale XP, or not nearly enough. When I want XP its more prudent to go to an area that you are 3-5 levels under. Its a waste of time leveling by killing lower levels

…Then go to a higher level area and level there? The real reason you’re making this suggestion is because you don’t want to take the time to kill things to get to gathering nodes. It has nothing to do with leveling, so don’t try and rebrand it to that.

That’s not entirely untrue. Why should I fight level 5’s when i want to collect say copper? That part is true for sure. Still, why would I want to fight a level 5 the drops aren’t scaled to my level and the exp is almost non existent?

Would you like to be forced to buy all of your lower-level materials for making lower-level items once your level 80?

Many of us would not…I’m okay with making other characters gear at their level by going back to the areas they are in and farming the materials myself.

Honestly I know this is just a suggestion forum, but this suggestion is like "I suggest we be allowed to turn off the ‘Guild’ part of Guild Wars 2 and have it just be ‘Wars 2’ " … I’m sorry but it makes me laugh. No disrespect, just easily amused I guess.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I don’t like the game adjusting my level for me. When I want to open the map or gather with my level 80, I don’t want to have to fight lower levels. There’s no reward for it.

XP is boosted and there is a lower than normal chance to get items your level. Having this in is necessary to prevent griefing. Few people want to enter a dynamic event and have the level 80 come by and swat the mobs getting most of the credit for it with a gold reward, while the rest are considered not contributing to the encounter because they did next to no damage (maybe they’ll get bronze). This is partly a problem with how dynamic events reward participation, and needs to change to give us support players some love, but I don’t see a reasonable change that works with a level 80 swapping down mobs instantly. It’s not fun for others involved to not participate, even if they do get a reward for being there.

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


Nah, the level scaling idea is one of the best ideas Anet could have implemented. It actually adds more to the game. What’s the point of going to an area where nothing can kill you? That’s just boring…

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


For those wondering about item scaling with dowleveling, here’s what I’ve observed while world clearing with my 80. While the trash isn’t as valuable, the event income and the good drops or chest loot I find is the same level I’d find in Orr, though often with a zone-appropriate skin.

Zone aspects that do not scale:

Crafting bags/materials. Makes sense as otherwise there wouldn’t be any way for an 80 to collect low level crafting materials.

Non-Event XP. Zone poi, vista, mob, and gathering xp are fixed amounts and do not scale up.

Vendors/hearts. Again, not a huge issue. If you’re downscaling the only reason you’re buying heart vendor gear is for the looks, and the stuff you are buying from them like recipies, crafting materials, salvage kits, or tools is the same low karma price as it would otherwise be.

Zone aspects that do scale:

Salvage items. Valuable metal scraps in 1-15 zones. Yeah, really, clear newbie zones, salvage orichalum, platinum, and mithril.

Equippable Items. The higher an item’s rarity level is, the more likely it is to scale up. Whites have a low chance to upscale, blues upscale even more frequently, and so on. Rares are almost always scaled up.

Event Rewards. Doing events anywhere will reward the same amount of karma, xp, and gold as any other event of the same size. A small escort event in Orr awards the same for an 80 as a small escort in Kessex. Killing the champ giant in orr yields the same rewards as killing the cave troll in kessex.

Chest Drops. These seem to scale based on the same rules as mob drops. I’ve looted ecto from the demongrub pits chest.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lance Coolee.9480

Lance Coolee.9480

/disagree – this entirely defeats the challenge in visiting lower level zones and completely removes the incentive for visiting.

However, karma rewards need to be fixed so that the currency actually has value.

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


For those wondering about item scaling with dowleveling, here’s what I’ve observed while world clearing with my 80. While the trash isn’t as valuable, the event income and the good drops or chest loot I find is the same level I’d find in Orr, though often with a zone-appropriate skin. If your findings are different let me know as I figure maybe I should post thing in players helping players.

Zone aspects that do not scale:

Crafting bags/materials. Makes sense as otherwise there wouldn’t be any way for an 80 to collect low level crafting materials.

Non-Event XP. Zone poi, vista, mob, and gathering xp are fixed amounts and do not scale up.

Vendors/hearts. Again, not a huge issue. If you’re downscaling the only reason you’re buying heart vendor gear is for the looks, and the stuff you are buying from them like recipies, crafting materials, salvage kits, or tools is the same low karma price as it would otherwise be.

Zone aspects that do scale:

Salvage items. Valuable metal scraps in 1-15 zones. Yeah, really, clear newbie zones, salvage orichalum, platinum, and mithril.

Equippable Items. The higher an item’s rarity level is, the more likely it is to scale up. Whites have a low chance to upscale, blues upscale even more frequently, and so on. Rares are almost always scaled up.

Event Rewards. Doing events anywhere will reward the same amount of karma, xp, and gold as any other event of the same size. A small escort event in Orr awards the same for an 80 as a small escort in Kessex. Killing the champ giant in orr yields the same rewards as killing the cave troll in kessex.

Chest Drops. These seem to scale based on the same rules as mob drops. I’ve looted ecto from the demongrub pits chest.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


There’s no reward for killing lower creatures. Your concerns could easilly be addressed by making creatures vastly lower in level drop no loot or XP.

You are not the first person to have asked for this, and you are wrong in your reasoning. I don’t want vastly over-powered L80’s stomping around a L10 area, wiping out everything in sight because they can. No, maybe you wouldn’t, but there are people that would. If you want to be L80, stick to L80 zones. If you want a traditional MMO, play a traditional MMo. That’s not what GW2 is, and you’re wasting your time asking for it.

First, because Anet have designed the game the way they have. Second, because it isn’t just a switch for you; it’s a switch for everyone. So you’ll never get it past all those people that prefer what Anet have done. I think level-scaling is one of the most innovative ideas in GW2. I certainly don’t want to see a switch that will allow over-levels to barge around lower-level areas, potentially spoiling them for on-level players. Or power-levelling their inept / impatient frends; something I regard as cheating. Yes they will. This is the internet. No social come-back, no smack in the mouth for unacceptable behaviour. People will and do do that sort of thing. Anet killed it at source. Brilliance!

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

(edited by Raedwulf.3712)

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


Why wouldn’t a toggle feature work? Why is it all or nothing? It’s not your call to make anyway. The point of it being optional would be that for those who enjoy it as is = they can have it. If you don’t like it.then shut it off.

Because it is not, as you seem to think, a toggle. The PvE world is not instanced. If you choose to switch scaling off, you affect everyone around you; EVERYONE. I can’t shut off you not level-scaling. There’s no toggle; it’s a binary state and it’s in the control of the high-level player. You won’t abuse that? Good for you. Others will.

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Why wouldn’t a toggle feature work? Why is it all or nothing? It’s not your call to make anyway. The point of it being optional would be that for those who enjoy it as is = they can have it. If you don’t like it.then shut it off.

Because it is not, as you seem to think, a toggle. The PvE world is not instanced. If you choose to switch scaling off, you affect everyone around you; EVERYONE. I can’t shut off you not level-scaling. There’s no toggle; it’s a binary state and it’s in the control of the high-level player. You won’t abuse that? Good for you. Others will.

basically this. it is to easy to abuse high levels to mass farm loot if alowed( heck, I did it with wow to get free linen!)

On/Off switch for level scaling.

in Suggestions

Posted by: helmeo.3918


just so you know, the loots are scaled to level. However, i am unsure about level 15 and under maps, when i (level 80) go to level 30+ areas i get level 70+ gear drops.

“A scaled down character continues to receive experience and loot that is comparable to what he would receive at his real level, but it is somewhat less efficient for obtaining experience and items than playing level-appropriate content.” http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dynamic_level_adjustment

it wasn’t meant for you to farm up gear at lower level areas, it’s merely a mechanic to make low level area still interesting when you are exploring.

edit: also, it is no reason to ruin the game for other players just because you are lazy.