Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sheepski.5479


Since the patch, there have been new aoe circles, with flickering fire animations. These have helped colour blind people to distinguish enemy aoe easier, and some people like the new animations as they are. However, there should be an option to turn off, or revert to the old style.

The new circles have caused dizziness, sickness, eye strain and headaches among a lot of people in certain areas of the game. Our guild, for example, run a lot of CoE, and the circles on Alpha especially are so bad that we’re not able to run that dungeon anymore. Other areas such as the Instigator event in Southsun, or thinking back to the Molten Facility, WvW… and basically anywhere with lots of aoe, has horrible side effects for a lot of people.

The problems really are when the circles stack and overlap, especially over uneven surfaces/up walls, stairs etc, where the shimmering and flickering mix and is out of sync.

Here’s a video of one Alpha fight, that starts to scratch the surface and highlights part of the issue. As a one off it’s ok, but to have them on every fight, for hours per day is sickening. We got through 1 round of CoE and already developed headaches while we usually do 4 or more without any problems at all.

Having an option to change it back to how it used to be, would allow the people who benefit or like the new animations to keep them, yet also allowing those of us who suffer from the side effects to play without suffering.

(edited by Sheepski.5479)

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid Rhino.7192

Liquid Rhino.7192

+1 ^^^^^^This.

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siobhan.6027


We definitely need an option to toggle this or this change needs to be reverted. Coe is full of red golems, red circles, red lights, etc. Its horrible. It gives me a headache to look at.

I know there’s an option to toggle circles off completely but thats not ideal since its hard to tell where some attacks end.

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: JammeR.1059


Yep needs an option to change it back to the old way. In settings there is a box to tick to hide all AoE circles but then you cant tell where they are at all. If this setting is there then it should be pretty easy for Anet to add options to select for AoE circle animations to be off/old/new.

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leyara.7398


Would definitely like to see an option for it, while it benefits a lot of players to have it optional would also benefit those who struggle with the new animations

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: stale.9785


I don’t suffer from them (I actually quite like the effect, myself) but I see no reason there shouldn’t be an option for it. More options are always good.

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Delphion.8067


I agree that there should be an optional feature to turn on the old AoE animation

Option to Revert to Old AoE Circle Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siobhan.6027


Reran coe again today. My opinion hasn’t changed. We need a toggle option for this. Please listen to us, ArenaNet.