Option to collect individual purchases from trading post

Option to collect individual purchases from trading post

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silverwing.3416


Right now, if I purchase multiple items, I am forced to remove all of them at once rather than just picking up the ones I need. This was really annoying today, as I had set up some purchase orders on my main yesterday. I was playing an alt, decided I needed a new weapon, and went to purchase it.

In order to retrieve my weapon from the trading post, I couldn’t just take the weapon. I had to collect everything, including all of the items I had set up orders for on my main, and then find a way to clear enough room in my bank for all of those items I now had to transfer to my other character without the ability to just mail them to myself like most games would do. My main had been near a trading post but not a bank, so now I have to wait even longer to get my new gear.

Option to collect individual purchases from trading post

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sypher.2451


Totally agree with Silver. I sometimes place a buy order at the beginning of the day and later on would buy item I need if I want to craft for a bit but have to pick up everything in order to pick up that one item.

Option to collect individual purchases from trading post

in Suggestions

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

I would like this feature, but then I kind of understand why they might not want to do it, as people might just store certain things on the trading post indefinitely.

I agree that what is really kind of clunky about it is that if you are bidding on things for different characters and get them, you then have to put them in the bank.

I guess this is the tradeoff for a marketplace system where, as far as I can tell, there is no explicitly defined cap on how many buy or sell orders you can have up, and also no time limits. Both of those things are rather unusual.

I actually feel like they will probably put time limits on them at some point, even if it’s a very long one. Otherwise, certain things might get out of hand, just in terms of marketplace clutter, eventually.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.