Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

It’s no big thing, just very annoying to always see this on my UI all the time.

I have no intention of following Trahearn’s Personal Story, now, or ever. I would like the option of opting out of it, permanently, or at least hiding it and forgetting about it.

Same with the Worldwide event prompts. Fine, I’ve seen it, have no interest in it, don’t need to see the same message throughout the whole of Wintersday.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


This is something that we’ve discussed internally, the main issue is how to account for people who accidentally hide their story, then don’t know how to get it back?

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Have an option in the hero panel to disable it. Have it enabled by default. Thus, the only people who would ever have to enable it again already know where it is because to be in that position they had to disable it to begin with.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

You might be surprised at how many problems that might cause. “Fast cast ground targeting”, for example, is an option you have to turn on under Options, but I regularly see posts from players who can’t figure out why siege weapons won’t work for them. (It’s trying to target their mouse cursor.) If you click on the title line for story steps, meta events, etc., it will hide all of the objectives. You’ll still have the green step title, but it will clear some of the clutter.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Damarus.5938


Have an option in the hero panel to disable it. Have it enabled by default. Thus, the only people who would ever have to enable it again already know where it is because to be in that position they had to disable it to begin with.

Sound idea – having it enabled by default would make sense and those that choose to disable it should have a bit of background when they go to enable it before My only suggestion (and really, very neutral), is to locate it in a spot where it is instinctual to turn it back on (e.g., Options panel ).

Member of Knights Templar [KT] – http://knights-templar.com

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

You might be surprised at how many problems that might cause. “Fast cast ground targeting”, for example, is an option you have to turn on under Options, but I regularly see posts from players who can’t figure out why siege weapons won’t work for them. (It’s trying to target their mouse cursor.) If you click on the title line for story steps, meta events, etc., it will hide all of the objectives. You’ll still have the green step title, but it will clear some of the clutter.

Not to blatantly disagree with what you’re saying, but the error message one receives for the fast cast ground targeting and siege weapons can be misleading. If it noted somehow that it’s because of the option being on that the skill failed, no one would have an excuse to be confused.

The reality, however, is that for every option, someone will turn it on, experience the intended effect, not know what happened for whatever reason, and then will report it as a bug. For every dozen players who ask you questions about fast cast ground targeting, I surmise that there are thousands who understand and use it perfectly. I don’t think it’s fair to use those few people as a means to inhibit valuable development for the thousands.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revan.6259


Not to blatantly disagree with what you’re saying, but the error message one receives for the fast cast ground targeting and siege weapons can be misleading. If it noted somehow that it’s because of the option being on that the skill failed, no one would have an excuse to be confused.

While I agree that it doesn’t explain very clearly that the “target is out of range” because it’s targeting where your mouse cursor is, the statement “target is out of range” is accurate. This player would have had to manual turn on the option to do autotargeting, and as a result, should know that any AOE skill they’re using will target their mouse location. Personally, I think that it would be annoying to most people if the message was “Target is out of range because you have auto targeting on”. Takes up more of your screen

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

Have an option in the hero panel to disable it. Have it enabled by default. Thus, the only people who would ever have to enable it again already know where it is because to be in that position they had to disable it to begin with.

This. We have a personal storylines panel in Hero, add a “hide story prompts” and “resume story prompts” checkbox if possible.

And thank you, Dev, for responding.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revan.6259


Have an option in the hero panel to disable it. Have it enabled by default. Thus, the only people who would ever have to enable it again already know where it is because to be in that position they had to disable it to begin with.

This. We have a personal storylines panel in Hero, add a “hide story prompts” and “resume story prompts” checkbox if possible.

And thank you, Dev, for responding.

I also agree that this would be the best solution. If someone accidentally turns it off, that would be the most natural place to look for the option to turn it on again – in the personal story tab of the hero panel.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: drkn.3429


You might be surprised at how many problems that might cause. “Fast cast ground targeting”, for example, is an option you have to turn on under Options, but I regularly see posts from players who can’t figure out why siege weapons won’t work for them. (It’s trying to target their mouse cursor.) If you click on the title line for story steps, meta events, etc., it will hide all of the objectives. You’ll still have the green step title, but it will clear some of the clutter.

Knives can kill people.
We all have sharp knives at our homes.

I understand the need to care about all players, including those who accidentally click everything and think later, but having a tick-able option in the Hero panel, under Personal Story, that would hide it off completely would be awesome indeed.

[x] Display the Personal Story steps on the main screen interface.


Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Finishing the personal story must be a requirement for advance in the future expansions. In GW1 you couldn’t access different things unless you finished the story. I want this feature for GW2 too.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revan.6259


[x] Display the Personal Story steps on the main screen interface.

And also:

[X] Display Personal Story Waypoint on the world map.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


well to be “that guy”, but why does every option have to be braindead friendly? Seriously its almost like mmo’s these if they were in charge of creating a light switch would have to think of a simplar version of on/off.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

well to be “that guy”, but why does every option have to be braindead friendly? Seriously its almost like mmo’s these if they were in charge of creating a light switch would have to think of a simplar version of on/off.

They don’t want CS staff tied up with “Help, I accidently deleted” requests I think.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revan.6259


well to be “that guy”, but why does every option have to be braindead friendly? Seriously its almost like mmo’s these if they were in charge of creating a light switch would have to think of a simplar version of on/off.

They don’t want CS staff tied up with “Help, I accidently deleted” requests I think.

I’m sure this is exactly the reason they haven’t done it yet. However….just write a generic response to this and copy/paste

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

You might be surprised at how many problems that might cause. “Fast cast ground targeting”, for example, is an option you have to turn on under Options, but I regularly see posts from players who can’t figure out why siege weapons won’t work for them. (It’s trying to target their mouse cursor.) If you click on the title line for story steps, meta events, etc., it will hide all of the objectives. You’ll still have the green step title, but it will clear some of the clutter.

I think that’s different, because it’s people not making the connection between that option and siege weapons. They were just considering regular combat skills when checking it. (I actually think those should be two separate options, although I know you are reluctant to add clutter to the options menus.)

Anyway, how about if you could turn off the personal story prompt and the green map markers for just the current session? After all, you can hide the entire UI, and that is even more of a problem, considering that the options menu won’t even show up when the UI is hidden. (I have actually accidentally turned off the UI before. Don’t ask. Well…it had to do with me rebinding a lot of keys.)

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sahfur.5612



Stupidity in the player base isn’t a reason to avoid a solution to our problems! If we give up complexity constantly to make sure that people understand everything up front and hold their hands through the whole experience it becomes uncustomizable and -boring-..

If they messed with the settings, it should be their job to educate themselves on the mechanics enough to hover over the tooltip and read it. Seriously, people are challenged less and less in the modern world and games get rid of features in an attempt to garner the kind of player which.. if they can’t figure out they hid their story quest, honestly have no chance of getting that far in the game in the first place. If they are really that… special… I can hardly see them getting around in the later zones due to not upgrading armor. They’d probably get lost and die repeatedly before uninstalling it and deleting their hard drive. Seriously, we aren’t that dumb. Some of us are asura.

This is not a point and click mmo, they have to learn to level up already. Give us more credit as a playerbase, please.

Please add the ability to hide and show UI elements. Use a nice little graphical “mini UI” in the settings with areas greyed out if you have to.. to make it more strikingly obvious which ones are enabled and disabled. Games such as Tribes do this, and we don’t exactly need to be rocket scientists to figure the settings out. Also, add the ability to disable the experience bar at the bottom of my screen. It is almost never accurate after lvl 80 anyway. Its taking space and I dislike seeing an orange line constantly.


Another interesting idea would be to have a hybrid hidden UI that allows you to hide your skill bars but have an option to show the buttons (along with a cooldown) only when they are on cooldown. Also only show health when you aren’t at full.. only show stamina when you need to. You get the idea, right?

We’d love it, and alot of people are asking for viewer modifications like WoW has. Give us a bone, will yah?

Plants, As far as I know are still, still bending toward
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElixireL.5190


I’m giving up on the personal story as it just isn’t good enough. I ‘d like that option too , and you can avoid confusion by always having the prompt on when the player’s character logs in . Right click to get the “hide” option.
Hover over the top right corner of the screen to reveal the little star which you can click on to show the prompt again.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElixireL.5190


Finishing the personal story must be a requirement for advance in the future expansions. In GW1 you couldn’t access different things unless you finished the story. I want this feature for GW2 too.

No, unless the personal story is worth playing. It just isn’t for many of us.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Finishing the personal story must be a requirement for advance in the future expansions. In GW1 you couldn’t access different things unless you finished the story. I want this feature for GW2 too.

No, unless the personal story is worth playing. It just isn’t for many of us.

Do you do heart quests? I bet you do, So why is is such a bore for you guys playing the storyline? Its is just a chain of quests – because you can skip all the cutscenes.
What give the hearts better and more than the story?
Oh, its is the name “story” that bothers you? Fine, change it to “Primary Events” or Primary Quests" to be more familiar from GW1
So, you run the whole huge map and run dungeons but you get so “borred and frustrated” with the primary quests?
They are just quests, traditional quests that takes you go from one place to another, they are in ALL MMOs. Why are you so “against” it all the time.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElixireL.5190


@Ronah I don’t care for the tone of your reply , but here goes: The difference between personal story and the rest is that you can do the rest with other people.

See you later.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlueStoat.9157


ummm… press “L” for quest log worked in GW1 Don’t know too many people who couldn’t figure out how to change quest targets there. Put the option to show/hide in the personal story screen on the hero panel or add and event/story log that tracks the events we’ve participated in (I’d love to get extra background on some of the meta events).

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revan.6259


Finishing the personal story must be a requirement for advance in the future expansions. In GW1 you couldn’t access different things unless you finished the story. I want this feature for GW2 too.

No, unless the personal story is worth playing. It just isn’t for many of us.

Do you do heart quests? I bet you do, So why is is such a bore for you guys playing the storyline? Its is just a chain of quests – because you can skip all the cutscenes.
What give the hearts better and more than the story?
Oh, its is the name “story” that bothers you? Fine, change it to “Primary Events” or Primary Quests" to be more familiar from GW1
So, you run the whole huge map and run dungeons but you get so “borred and frustrated” with the primary quests?
They are just quests, traditional quests that takes you go from one place to another, they are in ALL MMOs. Why are you so “against” it all the time.

For me personally, the storyline quests just got long and boring. They weren’t hard, just mindlessly long. The rewards weren’t even close to worth doing them. And since the story itself was meh, I just stopped doing my story stuff.

I think this is why people don’t want to finish their stories.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


@Ronah I don’t care for the tone of your reply , but here goes: The difference between personal story and the rest is that you can do the rest with other people.
See you later.

You can do storyline quests “with other people” but as long as people don’t bother doing them, of course you don’t know that

It is A-Nets fault. They should have put the story missions mandatory like in GW1: You couldn’t unlock another zone if you didn’t finish the story mission leading to that zone. Period.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


If you click on the title line for story steps, meta events, etc., it will hide all of the objectives. You’ll still have the green step title, but it will clear some of the clutter.

Why do we never have that option for special events then? the whole karka event and tix event could never be minimized. And why when we minimize the story step does it sometimes undo itself?


Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Yeah, God forbid I can actually see what I’m doing in game! No, we must have useless stuff covering two thirds of the screen.

I gave a suggestion before that you could tick in Options which items you want hidden. For me, pesonally, I would want to hide Skill Bar, Event List, Experience Bar, all buttons on the top left corner, enemy health bar and their status effects at the top of the screen.

That means that the only thing I want to see are the mini map and the skill activation bar (the yellow bar that shows when you use a long activation skill).

The kicker is that ANet could implement this like “hidden unless ou hover with the mouse”. So you wouldn’t have to go to Options and tick each interface element everytime you want to see your quest. All you’d have to do is move your mouse to the top right, and it would pop up. If you had hidden the mini map, you’d move your mouse to the bottom right and it would pop up. Or the option buttons at the top left? You move your mouse the and it pops up.

This would give us what we want, while also being thoughtful towards those who aren’t so good at tweaking the settings. If they forget how to disable the option, it’s no big deal because they can just move the mouse to see the story (and other interface elements)

Right now what I do is I set my Caps Lock to permanent Off, and when I push it, it triggers the keys ctrl-shift-h and hides the interface. If I need the interface again, I just push Caps Lock again.

I still would like this option though, because when I do this I miss the mini-map and the Interact bubble.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Finishing the personal story must be a requirement for advance in the future expansions. In GW1 you couldn’t access different things unless you finished the story. I want this feature for GW2 too.

None of the expansions required finishing the previous ones. War in Kryta and Winds of Change did but those are much smaller than an expansion.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enikuo.9205


I would be happy with this option. I’d rather be able to solo the story to completion, but since that probably won’t happen, it would be nice to just toggle it off. Even minimizing it to a symbol, as some have suggested, would be good.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dhraiden.9215


Please. THIS. I want a modular UI, and the ability to hide whatever elements I don’t need/want to see. Player stupidity/clue-less-ness is NOT an excuse to lack an option that should by rights be part of the game by default. I really hate UI clutter.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blueshield.6291


Frankly, the option should be there. If players can’t figure out basic UI management, that’s kind of on them. Omitting features for the sake of idiot-proofing is essentially throwing out baby with the bathwater.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axiarus.2376


Frankly, the option should be there. If players can’t figure out basic UI management, that’s kind of on them. Omitting features for the sake of idiot-proofing is essentially throwing out baby with the bathwater.

I second this. Why must we be babied because some people would get lost? Know what those people could do? Ask other players. Isn’t this game about the community? I have had a few questions answered simply by map chat. The feature should be there, hands down.

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DamDam.9746


At least, make the minimizing action be permanent (until we restore it manually by clicking again on the tooltip, and even with game closure).

Because as someone said, tooltips are restoring themselves constantly (something like every event), and it’s annoying. Really.

That, i suppose, you could fix easily, and it would take out pain from many of us who can’t stand having half of the right part of their screen poluted by useless permanent content.

It sure would be better to make it an option, as everyboby said, but this is some fix noone could complain about.

(edited by DamDam.9746)

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I don’t want to disable it, but I would like the ability to change the number of things up there that can be maximized. Currently it’s 2, with the addition of daily/monthly, PvP and then a couple of simultaneous events occuring, it’s very hard to get what I want maximized to stay maximized.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


tbh that seems a nutty reason for it permanently being there.
If someone deletes their posts for story (like I do) & if that wasn`t visibly clogging up our screens, then all they`d have to do would be press M, zoom out & it has a huge green marker showing where they need to go.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Option to delete/hide Personal story prompt.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


This is something that we’ve discussed internally, the main issue is how to account for people who accidentally hide their story, then don’t know how to get it back?

Don’t make them hide completely then.

Just make them all fold into a larger tab like “Active Events”, that stays folded up until the player manually clicks it again.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~