Option to hide Commander Icons...
I completely agree with this. Especially as some very annoying people abuse the system by going to PvE maps and covering actual important icons, such as POIs and such.
I agree, there’s even someone on my realm who bought the title purely to show off. It’d discourage people from buying it simply for that purpose.
Yeah. +1
Also, buying something with gold clearly makes you a leader. Right? … right?
Yes please give people the option to turn this off. If people want to show off the fact that they have a lot of virtual money, let them, but PLEASE let everyone else be able to turn off the bragging.
After they get the commander status, they should earn being able to display their icon on screen.
How? Hm… maybe, for example, by successfully completing evens and group events as the leader of a squad.
Meanwhile, their squad would appear only in the LFG panel, as his name with a yellowish squad chat color.
Once they prove they can lead, they get renown and they’ll get the icon on the map.
Then, they’ll keep that status only of they keep winning, otherwise their status decreases until their icon is no longer in the map, and their status will freeze while they are offline, so it won’t go down if they are not online.
this so needs to happen sooner rather than later
Agreed. I was actually about to start a suggestion on this. Grabbed a screenshot in LA this morning while I was trying to recall where the TP was at. The Commander icon was covering it. Seconds later, three more commanders entered the city and covered up the icons where they were at.
Very annoying.
Need option to hide.
Or even if you don’t want to go for the long run, you could just make it so that it won’t appear in PvE maps at all. We only need those commanders in WvW (That is also questionable…) so why not just make it so that the icon only appear in WvW.
Or even if you don’t want to go for the long run, you could just make it so that it won’t appear in PvE maps at all. We only need those commanders in WvW (That is also questionable…) so why not just make it so that the icon only appear in WvW.
That works too; just in case someone forgets to turn it back on.
Commander should be restricted to level 80, with the ability to add people to this special party via /m
/join user.23434!
It is a bit annoying it cost 20g, I would like to see it at 5g honestly, your not oging to get too far in wvw without it or a guild big enough to zerg
I actually would also prefer these not show up anywhere outside of WvW—there’s no point to it. One could argue the icon for large PvE meta event chains and bosses but I’m just going to reject that argument on the basis that it’s never been necessary thus far.
Keep it to WvW where it belongs.
A R Y T O . S HA D E S T A L K E R
People are using The commander/squad system simply as a way to group with over 5 people. It’s got nothing to do with leading in some cases. Being able to flag a squad as public/private is a quick solution, but what’s needed is a raid grouping system.
100gp simply so more than 5 people can group up is silly. What’s needed is a Warhammer online “warband” system or a Raid UI for up to 20 people.
yes, agree with that
+1, simple as that.
+1 ignore huge golden kitten commander symbol + name + typical attitude from MY map pls
+1 for this suggestion
I would even improve the suggestion: adding an option to filter the icons. When I’m looking for a merchant, a profession trainer or even for a missing point of interest, it would be nice if I can uncheck all the others icons so I can focus on what I need.
+1 to this.
- I want to follow my GL not the other 4 kittens running around WvW
- It shows up in PvE settings and Im seeing more and more kittens with rubber stamps on their head saying look at me.
This will just get silly as people get more money.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Yeah…we need an option to turn off those icons. Also, it shouldn’t be something you can buy. You should have to earn it by completing objectives in WvW, similar to how they have titles you can get by completing certain achievements.