Orange circles indicating where events are.

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


One of the more frustrating things I’ve experienced at higher levels (with map exploration complete on the lower level maps), is going back to lower level maps and try to hunt for events.

Please consider adding a rune of intuition or some kind of upgrade component (perhaps a unique potion that can be purchased for gems) that gives a higher level player the ability to see all events on a map they have already cleared when they are anywhere on that map.

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ang.2157


They should just give us that ability once we have 100% map completion.

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


How about just giving every player the ability to see all events on the map. What’s the point of obscuring content like that from players when it is the main source of XP income for the leveling.

It’s dumb

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


2hours in Fields of Ruin….2 events, 1 of them bugged.

This game needs an event tracker, and it could do with an “instant adventure” system like in Rift

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


@Camerius: Sadly the game will not last long if this continues. It’s sad they didn’t flush this out in six months of beta testing

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Komuflage.2307


So you want the game to tell you exactly where to go and what to do?

Come one, what’s make this game so fun is just walking around exploring, mining some nodes just to suddenly find an awesome event.

If you’d see where every event is, then they would just be like normal quest and there would be no point of having them in the game.

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crash.7910


+1 to Komuflage

While I agree that things would certainly be easier if you could see all the available events I prefer having to hunt for them. I realize that you may have already seen the whole area but you’ve only seen the static environment, I play 8 different characters pretty evenly and each time I end up in the same area there’s something different about the area, if it’s a chained dynamic event, some new dialogue from NPCs or even just a larger group of people raiding a cave. Also for anyone who’s having trouble finding them just try map chat (/m or /map). People in this game are always so helpful you’re sure to get responses from people currently doing events.

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


So you want the game to tell you exactly where to go and what to do?

Come one, what’s make this game so fun is just walking around exploring, mining some nodes just to suddenly find an awesome event.

If you’d see where every event is, then they would just be like normal quest and there would be no point of having them in the game.

We’re talking about the point after you’ve cleared a zone. You’ve seen everything in that zone and just want to know where you can go help out in that lower level zone.

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


So you want the game to tell you exactly where to go and what to do?

Come one, what’s make this game so fun is just walking around exploring, mining some nodes just to suddenly find an awesome event.

If you’d see where every event is, then they would just be like normal quest and there would be no point of having them in the game.

So instead of players knowing where all the DE’s are in a zone, you propose keeping the system as it is now: all players knowing where all the DE’s are in a specific range. As if the players “spidey sense” only stretches so far.

One problem that has been cropping up in the low level zones is that some people complain that they can’t find the DE’s going on. Now, I will agree that perhaps those people need to explore a bit more. BUT, imagine this scenario:

How many times have you been exploring a zone, seen a DE pop up on your “radar”, only to find that the DE’s is about to end?

Now, if the DE popped up on your map the moment it began, then you’d stand a better chance at getting to the DE in time to participate.

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


So you want the game to tell you exactly where to go and what to do?

Come one, what’s make this game so fun is just walking around exploring, mining some nodes just to suddenly find an awesome event.

If you’d see where every event is, then they would just be like normal quest and there would be no point of having them in the game.

Its not fun wwalking round and have nothing happening.

Thats just grinding mobs, and thats taking 5steps back in MMO development to pre-wow mob grinding.

DEs are great, but they need to happen more often, be broadcast wideer, and last longer so people can get to them.