Order Borders

Order Borders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sageofprofession.3012


Just a little thought here, but I was killing a veteran monster the other day and looking at it’s portrait in the target display when I started thinking. The bronze/silver/gold/purple border on each monster could be neat to see on players, but instead of reprisenting rank, maybe it could represent the character’s Order. An example would be something like crossed telescopes or a book page wreath for the Durmand Priory, crossed rifles or swords for the Vigil, and daggers for the Order of Whispers.

Furthermore, these could even be turned into title material, with different borders for different accomplishments. For instance, your basic border would come from simply joining the order, and a new border could appear each time you get promoted in the story line. What’s even better, in future content updates, if they expand upon the orders, the missions and achievements for that content could unlock new borders.

Order Borders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Urthona.3198


And why should I care what Order someone else’s character is in?

Order Borders

in Suggestions

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I think it’s an unnecessary but cool idea. I’m a thief in the Order of Whispers so crossed daggers on/near/around my portrait would look cool.

There are a lot of things that need to be fixed/implemented before vanity stuff like this.