Our Time is Now Trailer. What are your thoughts?

Our Time is Now Trailer. What are your thoughts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I’ll tell you my thoughts on the “Our Time is Now Trailer” but I want to know yours as well.

I do a lot of marketing at my job…including using high quality production software…and I don’t know who came up with the idea for the “Our Time is Now Trailer” but seriously fire the guy.

I’ve had several of my friends watch the “Our Time is Now Trailer” and none of them know why it was even made. There isn’t even any direction to it. At one point in the video you had some guy walking across lava rocks…what the hell?

Normally I wouldn’t even waste time on another companies marketing but you guys need some serious help.

If you want to stick with the “Our Time is Now” theme and promote the game then do so in a way that people can relate to, understand, sparks an emotional response…and it grabs their attention.

My solution:
“Our Time is Now” should be through the eyes of the races in which the players can play. Use each races history in the trailer and “our time is now” could mean what you….as a player….contribute to their race from this point on. For instance you could show a trailer from the perspective of the Charr….and show 1,000’s of angry bloodthirsty charrs destroying a Castle’s Walls and flooding into it and slaughtering everything in their path…then show the charr proudly rebuilding their main city on top of it…and then show a dragon or some army they’re rushing to confront and right before they attack have the screen either black out or go white…then have a single charr say at the end of the trailer “our time is now…”. This will not only strike emotion but get viewers wondering what are the charr….whyd they build their city on top of this other city. That’s the kind of race I want to play…etc. You could make a trailer for each race in the game showing their history and what conflicts they have now. Your trailer did none of this…

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Our Time is Now Trailer. What are your thoughts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: mnguyen.5142


i dont see how this is a suggestion to a change in the game, but ok

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire

Our Time is Now Trailer. What are your thoughts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barghaest.3061


Yeah, my first thoughts on the trailer was… what does this have to do with Guild Wars 2?! A person committing vandalism, a guy proving his manhood and a super-model swimming… um, okay? The only one here who might be an MMO player would be the first one, providing she wasn’t too busy tagging the neighborhood…

Our Time is Now Trailer. What are your thoughts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silverwing.3416


Haha, for the first half of this trailer, I kept scrolling down to the comments in youtube, double-checking the name of the person who uploaded it, trying to find some way to tell that I’d been trolled by the friend who first linked it to me. It said nothing at all about the game and did nothing to tell me what makes this game so awesome in comparison to others, which I used to think was the whole point of a trailer.

It honestly felt like someone took a trailer for The Secret World and said it was a GW2 trailer in the title to take advantage of its popularity. Well, until the last part spontaneously morphed into game footage that was unrelated to what came before.

It’s far too late to do anything about it now. The public response to this trailer has been overwhelmingly bad, but it seems like they’re determined to use it anyway because of how much they spent on getting that famous guy to make it for them.

Our Time is Now Trailer. What are your thoughts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: roqoco.4053


It’s complete nonsense: Arenanets own manifesto video is far and away better than this trailer which up to a few seconds from the end could be marketing almost anything at all.

Our Time is Now Trailer. What are your thoughts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wreck.5610


My only though was…
Is this for GW2?