Out-of-game/browser-based play

Out-of-game/browser-based play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eddie G.8731

Eddie G.8731

I would love to see GW2 steal a page from Neverwinter (since Neverwinter seemed to steal so many pages from GW2, anyway) and have some kind of mini-game or game extension for internet browsers, so that office dudes such as myself with a few minutes (hours) to kill can spend it in their favorite fantasy world.

In Neverwinter, crafting is managed by NPCs who work for you (a little similar to how it’s managed in The Old Republic, but even more hands-off). Obviously gathering is going to have to be done in game, but I for one would love to see the crafting production doable from a browser window when not in game. Furthermore, a page can be taken from WoW as well and allow for auction house access outside of the game, as well.

I can definitely see some question marks about how this would be handled in GW2. I also know that there would have to be some studying done to analyze the impact of such play on the player-driven economy. So I’m not going to hold my breath, here. The main idea is this: I love Guild Wars 2. I hate work. Let’s find a way to have my love of one make my hatred of the other more tolerable. Thanks!

“If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be invincible.”

-Romulan proverb

Out-of-game/browser-based play

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeathDragon.5197


I would LOVE to see this!!! Maybe a little mini game where you can win prizes for in your main GW2 game too!!! I agree the trading post would be awesome if it was available out of the game.

Out-of-game/browser-based play

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeathDragon.5197


Another thing I just thought of is it would be cool if you could also access the mini game and all via cell phone or tablet which of course should work if its browser based as well. But eventually an actual app would be cool too.