Overflow Map Travel

Overflow Map Travel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arc.7346


I propose that if Anet is going to allow guests to take up map slots, then when we map travel to a full map, the game shows a confirmation message saying that we’ll be traveling to the overflow map and give us a chance to decline. It’s very annoying showing up for a world event and discovering not only that you can’t do it, but you wasted silver traveling there too.

Overflow Map Travel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kynmarcher.2184


Or you could show up earlier instead of at the last minute.

Preparation is key friend.

Overflow Map Travel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eyrie.4539


Two nights in a row that I am unable to do Behemoth, due to overflow players doing the boss and getting the loot. So native players are now being effectively penalized. This needs to be addressed.

Overflow Map Travel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arc.7346


Or you could show up earlier instead of at the last minute.

Preparation is key friend.

That’s not the problem I was addressing, the problem is that there is no way to tell if you’re too late until you’ve spent the silver to travel there (unless multiple guildies were complaining about being thrust into overflow). A notice telling you if the map was full would save us all a good deal of money considering how fast travel costs add up.

Overflow Map Travel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raptorious Big.5416

Raptorious Big.5416

Kynmarcher just don’t talk i showed up for behemoth on my server 45min early before the 30 minute spawning window, and i was put in overflow. So unless you’re saying we should all show up an hour early for chest events, go somewhere else to troll.

Overflow Map Travel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yorec.6342


Ive been stuck in overflow for almost two hours and have missed 2 behemoth events now.

Overflow Map Travel

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Or, put all guests in overflow. Friends can guest on the same overflow server when they want to play together.