Overflow message

Overflow message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tsubaki.2508


Can the message and also the message to leave/enter real server be small & unobtrusive like in a small icon in the top left, and not a full screen dimming plus box in the middle of the screen.

Overflow message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Havidos.9328


I agree. Lions arch is really annoying everytime I zone in there.

Overflow message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mechi.5102


I got the overflow msg just when I started a wintersday JP. Real fun when I lost most control (but not all) as I jumped the first snowflake

Really annoying when it pop up like a modal dialog. Can’t it just be a little note in the corner by the mini-map, blinking red to call for attention? Also, why does it have to take away most of the control of character movement? Feels like these dialogs have been put in after the game designers called the day. And make those dialogs bound to keys so we can easily discard them (like Enter for Ok and Yes, Esc for Cancel and No).

Overflow message

in Suggestions

Posted by: BelleroPhone.4238


Why not use the “leave dungeon” button above the minimap for that?