PVE Wars 2

PVE Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Delune.4817


This is meant to be a negative post, but for a game called “Guild Wars 2” I was expecting more focus on PvP action. It seems as though PVE is being shoved down our throats. These living story events every month introduce more and more PVE content reducing the numbers in WvW. Also seems like PVE is the only way to make money in the game with dungeons now giving gold, and boss events/farms.There have been many improvements to WvW such as culling and ranks/abilities that are great! Why can’t we get more PvP stuff like maybe and actual Guild v.s. Guild arena, seeing as the game is called “Guild Wars” and not PVE Wars 2 or Living Story Wars 2. Maybe some more WvW events and content instead of so much PVE. Just wanted to sum up how a lot of dedicated WvWers are feeling.

Commander All The Delune, Fort Aspenwood
Guild Leader of [TK]
“FA, stomping bandwagons since 2012….”

PVE Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: redhand.7168


Gee, I don’t see any way to make money in WvW. Especially now that every boss drops something special, and WvW has a pretty high density of bosses compared to a lot of other areas in the game.

The GvG arena would be awesome though, or a Guild Hall vs Guild Hall kind of deal. Like in Guild Wars 1!

What kind of WvW content did you have in mind though? I don’t see what big things could be done (other than a whole new map, better commander ability – which I hear is coming -, and new WvW trait lines).

PVE Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Delune.4817


Maybe like an event where if you own SMC for over 24 hours a dragon boss appears and starts to siege an enemy keep, or maybe introduce a special one month map!

Commander All The Delune, Fort Aspenwood
Guild Leader of [TK]
“FA, stomping bandwagons since 2012….”

PVE Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: zengara.8301


I mostly like to PvP myself, therefor a idea like this would be pretty amaizing, atleast the guild vs guild part. I would like that it wasnt just 1 big deathmatch but it shouldnt be something where you barely or dont attack your opponents either.
Problem with this, is that it could creat a huge fight between guilds, like this guild hate that guild etc. And we all know that the Guild Wars 2 is to “peacefull” to let that happen.
- Hope they make it thoug, if not as a staying event atleast as a livingstory event.

PVE Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caramel Ham.4891

Caramel Ham.4891

The biggest change for me that will make me play WvW would be to actually have:

1) Winner in the end because they completed an objective and not some random numbers you have no control over as a single player with x amount of hours. Night capping is the biggest joke of 2012-2013 for pvp.

2) Shorten the matches considerably making whichever server completed the objective the winner.

For spvp/tpvp:

1) Different game modes.

PVE Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215

Rainbow Sprint.3215

Theres a server ranking list if you look on the forums. somewhere.

Like was said above the idea of giving WvW is great, but really what do you do to it to increase the experience? The objective based WvW is a bad idea because it’ll just get capped at night. If you think it’s a zerg fest now, just wait until you give the zerg one objective to win the game. Biggest zerg wins.

As for pvp, most of the mini games they introduce are pvp. They’ve said in the past that minigames CAN become future game modes. But none of the Spvp players actually play the minigames to decide if they like the game modes or not.

PVE Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: zengara.8301


Theres a server ranking list if you look on the forums. somewhere.

Like was said above the idea of giving WvW is great, but really what do you do to it to increase the experience? The objective based WvW is a bad idea because it’ll just get capped at night. If you think it’s a zerg fest now, just wait until you give the zerg one objective to win the game. Biggest zerg wins.

As for pvp, most of the mini games they introduce are pvp. They’ve said in the past that minigames CAN become future game modes. But none of the Spvp players actually play the minigames to decide if they like the game modes or not.

I somehow think that a dragon attacking the higere populated is a good idea, if dont right, + it would be great to help the lower populated servers. Your right about the objectives. And tbh, I think that there should be a limit to what you can cap at night. Like SM should be save at night, cant be true that we everyday wake up with a taken SM from a server who got people to stay up all night and reinforce the walls.

~Now, you might respond with “then get a group to defend them at night” we both know that would be kinda stupid if we needed to go to so extremes, mainly because it is in the end Arena Nets job to make us fell good while playing".

PvP, the only once i know now is Dragonbash, choppy roll (forgot name) etc. We all know what we want, we want a serious deathmatch, 3v3 and 5v5 small maps (idc how inuque Anet wants to be, it is a MUST!). Atleast something where BF3 take objectives doesnt role in. Because, tbh, you cant blame it on anyone for lossing -.-….
Maybe a tournament shown in the game from players, where you can join in solo or with a team etc…

The main reason for them not to put deathmatch is if they found out that when 3 professions gets together, there are 1 group of professions who is stronger than the rest. dont think that is the case thoug.