Panning for precious metals

Panning for precious metals

in Suggestions

Posted by: neurojame.8570


A fun idea…
I’ve heard that you are adding new crafting materials to the game.
It would be fun to go panning in Tyria. Each river or body of water could have certain materials that you could pan and each water body could have different productivities.
You could buy from merchants more effecient panning supplies, Sluice boxes, asuran mineral extractors..etc…
You could make so that in WvW each server would have to have a claim on the body of water and defend the claim in order to pan it or set up the equipment. You would not need a mineral claim for PvE.
What do you think?

Panning for precious metals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ulsha.9485


That would be a graphically interesting thing to add to WvW in place of one of the current supply nodes. Can’t see it in PvE though unless its daily capped/fast diminishing returns or it would be gold farmers galore

Panning for precious metals

in Suggestions

Posted by: neurojame.8570


You could have other materials other than metals that you could pan for. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be metals. If you did have metals you could have gold dust, silver dust etc.. which would you would need to acumulate a lot of before it was processed to actual gold.