Particle effects-options please

Particle effects-options please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meryt.9823


Please give an option to tone these down or even turn them off.
Fog of war is one thing but in a 180 man 3 way its OTT, and probably impacts on already stressed performance.

If I want to see a cool light show I’l go to a rave.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

Particle effects-options please

in Suggestions

Posted by: insidiane.9570


Seconded this, PvE also could use this, on certain boss encounters (especially with 1 or more guardians in a party) the bosses get so cluttered with random effects that its very hard to see the attack animations of the boss and therefore making it that much harder to dodge certain skills.
While I’m at it , also the option to remove the GIANT BOSS NAMEPLATE in the middle of the screen, for instance on grawl boss I generally dodge his arrows (because they hit 9k and I have 13k health) however to do so I must turn the camera sideways because the nameplate is in the way.

Either way, particle effects may lagg more than just general character textures.

Particle effects-options please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276



It makes avoiding damage as melee pretty-near impossible because you can’t see animations leading up to a big hit.