Patch/Update Transparency.

Patch/Update Transparency.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dinny.5310


I know this will get washed away in amongst a sea of “We want mounts!”/“Class X is OP/underpowered!”/“Change everything!”, but this is both fundamental and important.

The crux of the issue: Please, please, please stop making “ninja” changes.

I’m aware that in many cases, changes to the game will be documented in the patch notes of the nearest update. I can understand there are some cases where changes are so small they’re not worth alerting everyone to.

But fudging around with loot drop rates, ecto/salvaging rates etc doesn’t go unnoticed by the playerbase. Further, for a more solid example, take note of the recent change to the “Illusionary Membrane” trait for mesmers: it was changed drastically and even the text of the tooltip has changed. Nowhere have I seen this documented. The fact that the tooltip text has changed is proof that it isn’t an oversight or an unintended side effect as some previous bugs have been. I don’t even play a mesmer and this change has sort of mired me.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to continue supporting this game with my wallet and by encouraging others to experience it, but these sorts of undocumented changes are dishonest.

Concrete suggestions:

Suggestion 1: Every time a change/fix is made, document it. No exceptions.

Suggestion 2: Amend the GW2 launch client/updater to have easy access to all patch notes. In most games I’ve played, the launcher was primarily used to communicate all modifications to players. Bit surprised that it isn’t the case here.

Dinny [Asura/Guardian] – Annachponae [Asura/Thief]

Patch/Update Transparency.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rei Hino.5961

Rei Hino.5961

Hm Yes I watch Release Notes Religiously that should even have a Link from the Game Patcher. that and Game/Web server Status information

Patch/Update Transparency.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


we did stuff. made a change somewhere. Isnt good.
I also watch and read carefully.

This is not transparency and makes me think your are hiding things and I might just start to go looking for stuff.
You have killed off my open world loot drops so all I do is log in and trade and log off. At least have the gonads to tell me you changed it and why.