Paysafecard payment option to gem store?

Paysafecard payment option to gem store?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gallazze.7320


I am not sure if this is the right place to post this topic, but as much as i would want to buy gems i dont want to use my credit or debit card. And i dont have a paypal account. And it would be so much more easy to just buy with paysafe. And to the people who say: just use paypal. I come with this argument there is people who cant use the current payment options. And if they would add paysafe card option they would get more money. But as long as there is no prepaid option i cant buy gems eventhough i would really want to. So answers Anet?

Paysafecard payment option to gem store?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angry Helper.2915

Angry Helper.2915

They will be implementing Gem Cards in the future, if that helps, I’m not entirely sure how Paysafe works exactly, might look into it. But it would be a further cost on them to add it when they are already planning the Gem Cards.

Paysafecard payment option to gem store?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draconicus.7564


I fully agree with you mate.
I came here today to create a new sugestion topic saying exactly that!
Pay safe is just a wonderfull way of payment using internet because it not require absolutly no personal data at all. You just go to a ATM machine or a shop with the service, create a pay safe card with the amnount you need, and voilá…you get a paper with a PIN number on it. Realy simple and fast!
After that all you need is to go to the “Online shop” where you want to spend it, and insert that PIN number. Simple and 100%secure.
Card gems will be a very good option too but still not as good as a paysafe option, because we players will be 100% dependent of real shops, if they sell them or not… if they sell them but are out of S., or if in after a certain amount of time, if they give up and not selling them anymore.
With a paysafe option all kind of players, kids or adults will be able to provide they’r accounts with gems for years with no problem at all in a 100% secure way!
Please Anet, reconsider this option!
(sorry for my poor English)!

(edited by Draconicus.7564)