So I was on a lengthy train-ride today and couldn’t stop thinking about the game. I ended up compiling an extensive list of changes, both content and balance wise, that I’d like to see in the game.
This list has been mostly based off my personal playing experience as well as various forum discussions.
Since I only play a Thief I avoided making suggestions on how to balance the other classes. I’ll leave that to other players since they too obviously need adjustments.
General Changes
-Improved the LFG feature: You can now select which Dungeons you wish to visit from a list and see other players listed for those Dungeons.
-The camera can now be zoomed into first person view for maximum viewing pleasure.
-The “field of view” can now be scaled up to 80 (from 65) in the options menu.
-Added an option to scale the intensity of “Bloom”.
World Changes
-Mob threat mechanics have been reworked. Mobs should no longer single out individual players and pursue them for longer periods of time.
-The respawn times on various mobs have been increased significantly.
-Conditions on targets are no longer capped at 25. Vulnerability is now capped at 50, while Bleeds can be stacked indefinitely.
-Veteran mobs will now drop ever increasingly better loot, the longer they remain alive.
-Rare crafting materials (Orchialicum, Orrian Oak and rare cooking ingredients) can now spawn in any zone and are no longer restricted to high-level zones.
-Item drops are now solely based on character level. Material and ingredients drops are still based on the environment and monsters.
-The chance of finding Mastercraft quality item from regular mobs has been reduced to compensate for the increased drop-rate from dungeons and chests.
-Travel expenses for using waypoints have been significantly reduced. They now take into account the level of your destination zone not just the distance and character level.
Dynamic Events
-Karma received for events is now solely based on character level. All events throughout the world award the same amount of Karma at any given level.
-Exceptions: The final stages of various Dynamic Event chains now reward an additional 20% Karma.
-Mob scaling has been improved, especially for large numbers of players participating in events. Mob Hit Points, Damage and Numbers will now scale better with the number of participating players.
-Diminishing Returns on Karma now apply to any event repeated within the hour.
-Various boss encounters have had their Hit-points rebalanced.
-Various boss encounter have learned new abilities or mechanics to make them more engaging.
-Explorable Dungeons bosses have had their loot improved and award at least one rare item at the end of each path.
-Story Mode Dungeons bosses have had their loot improved and should award more Mastercraft items.