Permanent Elemental Pets

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow Islim.6932

Shadow Islim.6932

I would really like to see a permanent elemental companion for eles sort of like rangers have pets or necros minions. The option to take a perma elemental for maybe a certain percent Dps penalty would really make me want to play my ele more. Right now I don’t find it fun having to run around dodging everything from fear of getting killed in a few hits. And if you could replace it with the current elemental elite skill.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hedge Gold.1640

Hedge Gold.1640

I agree, giving the Elementalist some sort of a tanking companion to help them out in solo PvE play. The addition of a perma elemental would be an amazing addition to the gameplay mechanics of the class. +1

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


You realize you would have to cut your damage by quite a lot to compensate?

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow Islim.6932

Shadow Islim.6932

Well enough so that they would be about par with rangers, and I bet if anet added the ability to take a perma elemental in PvE almost everyone would, its just to annoying / not fun to dodge everything. I would rather the less dps and a tank pet

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Then you’re probably playing the wrong class.

I don’t see why Elementalists should get even more toys when they’re already the top dogs of the Scholar professions.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Necromancer minions and ranger pets are not permanent.
When they die, they go on recharge. Same goes engineer turrets.

But then again when elementals, guardian weapons, and ranger spirits die, they also go on recharge.
Ranger spirits have passive effects, but elementals and guardian weapons work much like minions, maybe with more skills.
I don’t see why elementals and summoned weapons should not stick around until killed, then go on recharge, like minion pets.
Maybe with a slightly longer recharge to compensate.

At least they should freeze their timers while out of battle.
That goes for any summon and forms like asuran golems and whirlwind.

That way you could use them for roleplaying without breaking combat, and you could stay in a form or keep your summons while going around.

No exceptions!

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Late For Tea.1846

Late For Tea.1846

Please no. Elementalists should stick with their roots, their GW1 forefathers. Giving them some form of permanent pet makes it just a rip-off from other MMOs (Aion’s Spiritmaster pops up in my head. And Im sure there are others).
Rangers’ unique feature is their pet. Giving other classes pets would make the ranger less appealing. They already got there elementals, that’s good enough.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Just levelling up my Elementalist now, very squishy i must admit, but the DPS is insane… you should not need anything else.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreviore.1075


Elementalists are not intended to have pets, they aren’t a class for that. The reason they don’t need pets to tank for them/aid is because they already have high DPS and in general they stand back as support-DPS instead of front-DPS (Warrior, Guardian). Though GW2 doesn’t really have any tanking system of a kind so I can get where you are coming from.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow Islim.6932

Shadow Islim.6932

Just levelling up my Elementalist now, very squishy i must admit, but the DPS is insane… you should not need anything else.

I really enjoyed eles in PvP and early game PvE but I found around level 50 areas without a party to tank everything I was dying so much if I didn’t dodge EVERYTHING. I would atleast like the option to sit back and relax while my elemental takes a few blows.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow Islim.6932

Shadow Islim.6932

Elementalists are not intended to have pets, they aren’t a class for that. The reason they don’t need pets to tank for them/aid is because they already have high DPS and in general they stand back as support-DPS instead of front-DPS (Warrior, Guardian). Though GW2 doesn’t really have any tanking system of a kind so I can get where you are coming from.

No Guild wars 1 elementalists were not intended to have pets, but this is gw2 and frankly so much else has changed. They are already one of the best DPS classes in the game and yes Eles are meant to generally stand back and spam fireballs in dungeons and groups, but I found when I played PVE without a party its just plain stupid to aggro more than a few mobs at a time, and I don’t think its too much to ask to at least be able to choose between high dps and medium dps and a tank elemental.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Would love this.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


You guys can have the Necro pets… we’ll trade our useless pets for the great DPS and utility.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nashaan.3160


Well enough so that they would be about par with rangers, and I bet if anet added the ability to take a perma elemental in PvE almost everyone would, its just to annoying / not fun to dodge everything. I would rather the less dps and a tank pet

Lol, no ele in their right mind would willingly take a damage reduction down so far to be on par with rangers

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow Islim.6932

Shadow Islim.6932

Well enough so that they would be about par with rangers, and I bet if anet added the ability to take a perma elemental in PvE almost everyone would, its just to annoying / not fun to dodge everything. I would rather the less dps and a tank pet

Lol, no ele in their right mind would willingly take a damage reduction down so far to be on par with rangers

Haha my brother has an 80 ranger their DPS is kind of low compared to ele’s but I just made up an example it could be better fine tuned to make it even, but I definetly would take that DPS and a permanent Elemental for PvE solo, and just keep a normal build in dungeons and PvP

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galrond.5972


Pet cooldowns should start as soon as the pet is summoned and not when it dies. It wouldn’t make them permanent, but at least increase their uptime.
Minion necros could use that buff, since all pets are useless/oneshots in dungeons.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I play an ele and I have never really had problems leveling, not to mention Ele’s have the ability to take a ton of damage and live through it, if you trait that way. I do not support the Idea of premanate Elemental pets, to me just doesn’t fit. Your not a profession that does that, they command the elements they do not coexist with the elements. Rangers coexist which is why their pets are permanate. They create a bond with the pet and therefore the pet and ranger are companions, the ranger doesn’t command his pet he works with it he would give his life for the pet and visa versa. <— that is just an out of game mechanic example. The Elementalist uses the elements to his or her bidding and commands the use of it. The elemental’s are only momentary under the control of the elementalist.

I would never trade off the damage and 20 other skills I have at my disposal for a prema pet, not worth it.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970


If you want a perma pet go on youtube and search ‘useful items for pve’.

Theres a WoodenPotatoes video that shows a perma pet summon item you can buy from a event vendor (i think in blazeridge steppes???)

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


If you want a perma pet go on youtube and search ‘useful items for pve’.

Theres a WoodenPotatoes video that shows a perma pet summon item you can buy from a event vendor (i think in blazeridge steppes???)

yes that is correct, there are items you can buy for 1 silver I believe, problem with this is they will just QQ about having to buy it and how it doesn’t last if you go into another area. Plus I think they put timers on those as well so.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Since I switched to dd and used the build found on the ele forums I have been LOVING my ele and survivabilty is no longer an issue for me. I could see staff Ele’s needing a pet but not dd.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Since I switched to dd and used the build found on the ele forums I have been LOVING my ele and survivabilty is no longer an issue for me. I could see staff Ele’s needing a pet but not dd.

Staff Ele’s don’t have a problem either, they just have to be smarter about what they are doing, just like any aspect of being an ele.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drew.1865


Since I switched to dd and used the build found on the ele forums I have been LOVING my ele and survivabilty is no longer an issue for me. I could see staff Ele’s needing a pet but not dd.

Staff Ele’s don’t have a problem either, they just have to be smarter about what they are doing, just like any aspect of being an ele.

In your opinion they don’t but then again this is just your opinion just like it’s my opinion that some staff Ele’s could benefit from a permanent pet.


Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kobal.5234


No. Just no. The Elementalist is not a pet class. Giving the Elementalist a permanent pet on top of our already massive arsenal would just be too OP. The sheer amount self-comboing alone would make it massively overpowered. I mean, scepter/dagger can easily stack near permanent ~15 might without breaking a sweat and without utility skills. Now you have a pet with 15 might stacks next to yourself with 15 might stacks. And that is besides spamming all 20 elementalist skills from a safe range instead of actively involving yourself in combat, switching attunements when needed, controlling enemies, dodging, etc. Y’know, the core mechanics of the class.

Regardless of personal DPS nerfing while having a pet out, the Elementalist just has too many ways to abuse a permanent pet ability.

The only way it might be remotely feasible is if the elementalist would be locked into the attunement of the pet’s element.

But no. Just no. If I want a pet, I’ll play my Ranger alt. And I know this might sound harsh, but if you can’t survive or don’t like/can’t cope with elementalist gameplay mechanics as it stands, it’s simply not the class for you (and there’s nothing wrong with that).

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Since I switched to dd and used the build found on the ele forums I have been LOVING my ele and survivabilty is no longer an issue for me. I could see staff Ele’s needing a pet but not dd.

Staff Ele’s don’t have a problem either, they just have to be smarter about what they are doing, just like any aspect of being an ele.

In your opinion they don’t but then again this is just your opinion just like it’s my opinion that some staff Ele’s could benefit from a permanent pet.


True it is my opinion although my opinion is backed by fact as I leveled 1 – 65 or something using a staff no issues and I know many others leveling staff only and had no issues.
Not trying to be rude but, are you saying that since a player doesn’t have the skill to level using a staff like many others have apparently they deserve a prema pet?

If one person can do it doesn’t mean everyone can do it, but when multiple people have done it with no problems that means others can do it just as well. I am sure there are plenty of ele players out there that have leveled staff. Also like you stated if staff is to hard for them or what not go D/D or S/D makes things a little easier i guess.

Permanent Elemental Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: asperbianca.3196


I’m a staff Ele and I play quite well, hardly even summoning my elementals. I would rather not have permanent elemental summons since it would either nerf my damage or make the class incredibly OP. If anything, either adjust the timers or make them more durable…