Permanent pet name!

Permanent pet name!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Franklin Fhenrir.4962

Franklin Fhenrir.4962

Just add a permanent name to the pet so that we don’t have to keep renaming it.

You either die a underpowered class or you live long enough to be the overpowered one.

Permanent pet name!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

I wouldn’t mind this, BUT it would mean tracking 40-odd names PER ranger character in the game, instead of just 2-4 names.

Permanent pet name!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


Or just have one mane per slot.

Or just let us have ONE name that goes for all 4 slots…. if the number of names is an issue… could that help?

Anything as long as it sticks till I choose to change it, will make me sooo happy!

Kima & Co