Personal Feedback on Dungeons

Personal Feedback on Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Negativity.5801


Yes, this is a whiny post, let’s just get that out of the way. I know these fights won’t be removed no matter how much moaning and groaning goes on. However, I still want to share with the forum and hopefully some Anet employees will read this and maybe take it into consideration. (LOL)These fights should’ve never seen the light of day, they have no redeeming qualities and are just terrible in every aspect. I’m not saying any of these fights are difficult or easy, just saying the design is terrible and the developers should never implement any fights like these ever again.

Evolved Destroyer in CoE path 3. This has got to be the worst designed fight in the entire game. I don’t even understand how in concept this would’ve seemed like a good idea. You get a small window of dps, for all the “do what you want” vibe GW2 has tried to give off, this fight has the potential to only have 2 dps while 3 people just afk mashing f to fire a laser at the boss, which means if you don’t have people with 1200+ range attacks, this fight takes an excruciatingly long time to complete.

Husk in CoE path 2. Yet another boss with a tiny window of dps since you can’t attack him while his thorns are up, while the method of sustained dps being mashing 1 on your gun to subvert golems to walk to the boss to blow up, except that 90% of the time they seem to just wander around completely ignoring that they’re being subverted, so not even they are following the mechanics of the fight, and then can just randomly blow up with no warning whatsoever. Just another tedious, long, boring fight.

Stargazer Jotun in Arah path 1. Again, another fight where I can’t even begin to comprehend how this seemed good even in theory. Afk holding a reflecting crystal. Really?

Arah path 4 final boss (and every boss in path 4 except Giganticus for that matter) It has all just about all the mechanics of all the previous fights, and all of them are equally as ignorable.

There might be some other bosses that I just didn’t remember to put in this list. There are also other bosses which, while I think the fight is bad, could be tweaked to be acceptable. However, I offer no constructive criticism for these fights because I think they’re awful and should’ve been scrapped.

General Complaints:

•Anet needs to strike a balance between HP and mechanics. High Hp pools need to be justified by dynamic and interesting fights.
•Stay away from gimmick fights. Fights like destroyer, stargazer jotun, and husk should never see the light of day. These ideas should’ve been thrown away when they were still on paper.
•Mobs need to stop moving out of melee range if they’re melee too. Like why do the final bosses in AC (other bosses do this too, but these in particular come to mind) hit me, take 2 steps back, make me walk towards them again because now they’re out of my melee range, they hit me again and take 2 steps back (rinse repeat until the boss is dead) It makes sense if they’re going after someone else, or if they’re supposed to move around, but if they don’t and are melee and I have aggro, why am I still chasing them around? The bosses are supposed to be scary, not: I’m scary and they run away from me.
•Too much rehashing. Gravelings are just skelks, final boss in CoE story is just an undead giant which you’ve seen 1,000 times running around Orr, Legendary Effigy is the same as any other flaming effigy, final bosses in HotW are just svanir you can find anywhere else. The list goes on. Is it so much to ask that the final bosses of “end-game content” have a unique look? Not only are many of the fights poorly designed and incredibly boring, they even look boring too. Stop rehashing everything, it’s one thing to do it in general open world PvE, but in dungeons? You’ve got to be kidding. At the very least you could make the bosses unique.
•Many bosses are too small. Even if it was necessary to dodge, I couldn’t do it on some bosses even if I tried. For instance, Leurent in TA, some of his abilities hit hard, and yes, some of his abilities are telegraphed, only I can’t see what he’s doing when my character is much larger than he is, and he’s covered in tons of spell effects. It’s a good thing I’ve only done TA on my tank warrior, because if I had to actually pay attention to what he did and couldn’t because he’s too small and can’t see what he’s doing because he’s covered in birds, fire, and all the other spell effects in the game and I got downed because of it, I’d be pretty pissed off.

(edited by Negativity.5801)

Personal Feedback on Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I haven’t done dungeons before and I might not do them until they bring back the heroes, but I agree with your post. The bosses in the game: veterans, champions and dragons are different from the regular foes only by the HP and hit power.

High HP makes them boring to fight solo or in small groups, hit power makes people avoid them in PvE while alone or small groups.

I would add more dynamic to the fights and less HP for the bosses. They need to move, jump fly, grab, throw, rush, etc.
I will keep the hit power tho because encourages dodging

Personal Feedback on Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Genreninja.8516


•Anet needs to strike a balance between HP and mechanics. High Hp pools need to be justified by dynamic and interesting fights.

This is probably the only point I agree with 100%. Too many bosses have insanely high HP pools for no reason other than to lengthen the fight. The dynamics of the fight are so boring the huge HP pool doesn’t add anything to the fight.

Some of the other points I agree with on various levels. My biggest issue is how often Dungeon’s become impossible to finish.

I was with a group in AC, we got to the end of Path 2, and we became stuck. The NPC needed to complete building the 3rd canon but there were 7 ghosts. With the rediculous difficulty of the ghosts, the inability to separate them, and the NPC’s obsession with running and fighting instead of completing the objective it meant that i was impossible to finish and we sadly had to give up after 3 repair bills of trying.

Another example was TA at the Giant Worm… Twice we’ve gotten to this champion and got stuck becaue the adds re-spawned too quickly and once spawned, we were unable to proceed because iwth their current level of difficulty, they were impossible to defeat.

Dungeon’s as they are, are not profitable enough and they aren’t “fun”. Luckily I have a group with slightly above average skill I run with and we’re able to avoid screwing up but pug groups are plagued with overwhelming and discouraging outcomes.