Personal Meter (private)

Personal Meter (private)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torator.9631


I would like to see a option to activate a private meter that show your Avg: Dmg/DoT/Heals/Party Bonus Dmg/Dodge./Block.

This meter should be personal so no other that you can see it and can’t be paste in chat. This would help to improve your gameplay and build and fun. You dont want it, you hide it, simple.

I’m against any share dmg meter/gear meter, I dont want people juging only by DMG and forget heals and party bonu… but i’d like to see my stats !

Hope to have a reply !
Thanks for this great game btw !

Personal Meter (private)

in Suggestions

Posted by: dispear.5063


great idea really, it would be useful to help with self improvement across multiple runs.